I had the pleasure of seeing PoA this afternoon. I won't offer a review, but rather some reflections.
Overall, I enjoyed the film a great deal. It was good, the best of the HP films so far, but not, IMO, perfect. I know a lot of people have tried to avoid film spoilers over the past few weeks, although I'd been anxious to read anything about the movie I could. I'm happy I did, too. I think reading other's criticisms about the film allowed me to enjoy it more, without dwelling on the things which bothered me. :coughfacialhaircough: My criticisms are no different than most other people's: the Shrieking Shack scene was too brief, the pace of the film was too fast, Ron's characterization was way off, and the was no backstory.
I still can't help but wish they would have tried harder to fit in more good *book stuff*. I understand the need to make cuts in order to keep the film from being too lengthy (although I wouldn't complain if they made each film 4 hours long), but there are certain scenes I wish Kloves and/or Cuaron would have left in, simply because it would have been great to see them on screen. Specifically, I would have loved to see the Christmas dinner scene in the Great Hall with McGonnagal being SNARXy with Trelawny and the *waddiwasi* scene with Lupin, which
atropos87 mentioned.
Visually, though, I thought the movie was fabulous. The special effects have come a long way and I loved seeing Cuaron's version of both Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. And, of course, I loved, loved, loved all the R/Hr Goodness! Especially the hug during Buckbeak's *execution*-that wasn't just a hug, it was a HUG!
I've decided it's best for me to enjoy the film as it's own entity. The movies will never live up to the books, which doesn't make them bad, just different. :)
I spent the remainder of my evening knitting and watching Roman Holiday. I suddenly have the urge cut my hair into a cute, short 'do, fly to Rome, and zoom around the city on a scooter. I looked and looked for a scooter!Audrey pic for a new icon, but the only one I found wouldn't load to my computer. Must keep searching. :)