1. He's sitting in front of a screen, what's on it?
If it's the TV, video games. The computer... video games or one of his forums.
2. You're out to eat; what kind of salad dressing does he get?
He HATES dressings. He gets his salads dry.
3. What's one food he doesn't like?
Fish. Much to my chagrin. (I love it but I won't cook it at home since I hate making two different things for just the two of us!)
4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
MEAT. Seriously, he's a huge carnivore. He loves steaks and burgers. And cola, preferring Coke over Pepsi.
5. Where did he go to high school?
Haddonfield Memorial High School
6. What size shoe does he wear?
7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
Anything video game related. He's got a small collection of game figurines.
8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
Roast beef with lettuce and sometimes BBQ sauce.
9. What would this person eat every day if he could?
Probably prime rib or hamburgers. If it's meat from a cow, he'll eat it.
10. What is his favorite cereal?
Anything chocolate-based.
11. What would he never wear?
A dress? XD And he doesn't like sweaters, from what I can tell.
12. What is his favorite sports team?
He doesn't really follow sports.
13. Who did he vote for?
Obama, unless he lied to me.
14. Who is his best friend?
Allen and Dave, equally.
15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?
Nag him?
16. What is his heritage?
French, German, and Italian on dad's side, English and Irish on his mom's.
17. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake?
Devil's food with fudge frosting. CHOCOHOLIC.
18. Did he play sports in high school?
IIRC, he wasn't on any actual teams, but he played volleyball and street hockey.
19. What could he spend hours doing?
Playing video games. SEE A PATTERN HERE?
20. What is one unique talent he has?
Making people laugh. Seriously. He's hysterical... I've seen him get really grumpy, antisocial people laughing, and apparently they end up adoring him for it.