Music group of Peter Nalitch perfomance was seriously great. It was very first time I didnt felt bad because of our representatives. No, I see why people gave them so little of voces, 'cause song is not catchy, broken english is broken(it's part of their style, btw), lack of boobs or nice looking boys, but hey, I still think they were really great
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Comments 5
I know a few people who like that German song and think it's really cute. :/ I don't get it.
Европа же выбрала 4 самые дурацкие песни (Германия, Греция, Румыния, Босния и Герцеговина) и проголосовала за них. О_О Вотс ронг виз зем?? Ай дон гет ит эт олл! О_О
Налич форевер, молодец он. Обожаю его <3
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