GOF pic spam

May 08, 2005 16:52

Excuse me while I spam this post with the latest GOF images.

Pink! is it going to become a trademark Hermione colour in the movies? The movies are tainting my image of Hermione with her image conscious thoughts and the pinkness. Please stop!

I at least expected the dress to be blue. Guess I was wrong.

Ron and Harry's hair is bugging me though, I just can't see them as Ron and Harry with their hair like that. It's going to take a while to get used to.

I love the goblet of fire. I didn't imagine it blue.

*squeals* More Harry/Hermione arm grabbing. I wasn't going to leave this out of my picspam, HQ would be great cause then I could stare at it, I can't do that with the ugly yellowish brown colour and the pixelation even if *it is* H/Hr. Actually no I can stare at the prettiness of H/Hr.

I *love* the GOF poster, it's angsty and Angst + Harry = Love. This poster is begging to be photoshopped more.
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