
Nov 21, 2005 17:27

I saw the behind the scenes of Goblet of Fire yesterday which left me feeling both excited and depressed. There were A LOT of new scenes but I'm past caring about being spoiled now.

-Fell in love with Cedric/Robert all over again. There seems like there's a lot of Cedric screen time which makes me all squeeis, I shall be fangirling him through out the whole movie. I realized Robert looks hotter with Cedric's haircut.

-Tom was brilliant. He was hilarious especially with Emma and his comments. [At Emma as she's dancing with Stan] "Ah look at that, stylish. Lucky man, lucky man"

-The scenes with Snape are always love but I loved the scene with Hermione, Ron and Harry sitting in the Great Hall and Ron says to Hermione. "You're a girl" and then gets hit upside the head by Snape (for talking). Much love.

-There's going to be so much stuff to love about this movie and I only saw bits of it from the BTS.

And because from now on they'll be a serious lack of Robert pictures. I'm doing a picspam of the Tokyo premiere and press conference because I think he looked the best at the Tokyo premiere out of the three. It's the Japanese cameras they just love him.

My favourite. He so photographs the best on his right.

And the hotness continues.

The thing he does with his lips all the time. *sighs*


How very Zoolander of you, Robert.

Oh Robert, what will I do without your prettiness next year.

Three more days until I'm GOF-ed!

robert pattinson, gof, harry potter

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