You know when people say that you should take some time to breathe before you speak because you may be overemotional and will say things that you will regret?
Yeah, it's been over 24 hours and my feelings are still pretty much the same.
I don't condone what Finn did. As much as I wish our society was more accepting of all sexual orientations, it probably won't be for a long time, and it has been made clear time and time again that Glee!Ohio is a pretty homophobic place. Attacking someone's sexuality out in public can be dangerous, and Santana had every right to slap him. Yeah, it wasn't his fault that the information somehow got leaked and was used in a national political smear campaign, but he shouldn't have been yelling about it in the first place. Finn should absolutely apologize and then have a nice long chat with Burt about the consequences of his actions (I know some people want him to talk with Kurt, but I feel that Burt would make a bigger impression; no matter how hard he tries, Finn, as a straight male, will never truly understand the gay perspective in this situation).
Santana was obviously a victim in this episode. But she wasn't the only victim. And that's what pissing me off. Because as much as I think that Finn's comments were completely uncalled for, I understand where he was coming from.
Being constantly teased about your weight hurts. Being constantly told that you will never amount to anything hurts. Being told that you suck at the one thing that's keeping you going hurts. Being told that someone you love won't hesitate to leave you behind when you already have doubts about your relationship hurts. And obviously, being barraged by 20 dodge balls at once really fucking hurts. Being laughed at while you're bleeding also really fucking hurts.
Add the fact that Finn has been trying to keep things friendly between the two Glee clubs for the past couple of episodes, and even if you think what he did was despicable, you at least understand where he was coming from. (I'm not going to take into account that Santana promised Mercedes to start being nicer to him and then turned her apology into another tirade of insults, because he didn't know about the promise. Still, bitch move.) Humans are not perfect; if you poke at them long enough, they're going to snap.
I've read comments about what a wonderful person Santana is for standing up to Finn rather than just rolling over and accepting his self-appointed leadership without a fight. And normally, I'd agree, but what she did goes way past standing up for herself. She was being a downright bully.
So, clearly, both are in the wrong. Finn should apologize for picking on Santana about her sexuality. Santana should apologize for picking on Finn about his weight. (Finn should also apologize for being a jerk to Blaine but that's beside the point).
But this is Glee, and we all know that Finn isn't getting shit. I mean, this is the show where Brittany repeatedly cheated on Artie, but the breakup was Artie's fault because he called her stupid because she was cheating on him. And then he tried to get her back. Even though he knew that Brittany clearly didn't understand the concept of cheating. (And no, I am not getting over that anytime soon. And I don't even like Artie).
To be completely honest, I don't believe that the reason Santana is such a bitch because she's closeted. I mean, Karofsky literally had no one he could confide in without completely ruining his reputation, so I get why he acted the way he did (although I still think Kurt was a fucking saint for forgiving him so quickly and then offering to help him. If he weren't such a stubborn bitch, I'd be screaming GARY STU every time he appeared on screen). Santana is already dating Brittany, and they've been having sex for years (and don't get me started on what a horrible, unbalanced relationship that is. I'm probably going to run out of characters). Clearly, she has an outlet for her emotions. I'm not denying that she has other issues; it's obvious that her family aren't as supportive and loving as they could be, which is probably why she's so protective of Brittany. I just don't trust the writers to make that the focus of her arc rather than her sexuality.
If, in two weeks, Finn gets an honest apology, I will gladly eat my words. But if everyone starts yelling at him for not being able to deal with Santana's constant insults and for hurting her feelings, I am totally posting I TOLD YOU SO in giant glittery letters. Bullying is wrong no matter what the reason is behind it. The both acted like jerks, and they both need to face the consequences.