Name: Manfred von Karma
Series: Ace Attorney
Age: 67
Gender: Male
Position & Ship: Combat Trainer, Convoy
Appearance: Manfred von Karma isn't quite as tall as one would expect, standing at about 5'8, although he is imposing enough to make up for it. His usual expression is a piercing, blue-green glare, intensified by his age-lined frown. His grey-white hair is slicked back in a rather aerodynamic fashion, and it is always perfect. He typically wears a cravat fastened with a turquoise brooch that matches his earrings. Under his uniform (a fairly ornate navy coat that goes to his knees), he wears an ornate, purple vest, a high-collared white shirt, and high leather boots. Despite his age, he looks fairly well-built. There is a scar on his right shoulder, and he wears an eyepatch over his right eye due to losing it in an explosion.
Personality: von Karma is, in a word, perfect. Well, technically, perfection is what he aspires for, but he's close enough that he’s had an exemplary record in his forty-two years as Captain of the Victoria II… until the unfortunate incident where he was given an ‘honorable discharge.’ Bringing said discharge up is a very, very bad idea, as is any mention of the 4423. Of course, if he had, it's unlikely that he'd let it get out; he values his exemplary record above all else, and even implying that he isn't perfect will get you on his bad side very quickly... assuming he has a good side to begin with. von Karma is extremely arrogant, and he expects everyone else to live up to his own standards, which makes him... prickly when they don't, although he's generally capable of being civil, especially with people who don't annoy him too much. He also doesn't get attached to people very easily, and is quick to make judgments about others’ (lack of) competence.
Generally, von Karma does excel at most intellectual pursuits he tackles. He has a very cold, calculating nature, which makes him somewhat unapproachable but allows him to adapt quickly to situations. He certainly does not take it well if he isn't absolutely perfect at something on the first go, although he'll push himself into exhaustion to excel at it. Furthermore, if one were to actually tarnish his perfect record, even in the tiniest way... well, considering he's not quite above sabotaging evidence or other aspects of trials to go in his favor (at least, so the rumors say) and he tends to have petty overreactions to even minor slights, the results would not be pretty. He has no real concept of honor, and will fight dirty if he thinks it's necessary. He will show no mercy to pirates and other criminals, though; as far as he's concerned, he's the only one above the law. He’s extremely stubborn, to the point of inflexibility. If forced into a situation where he has no choice but to cooperate with… less than scrupulous types, he will grudgingly do it, but he will be incredibly grumpy about it.
He is usually cool-headed and confident during crises, although that will change if it becomes very obvious that he’s not going to come out on top. He’s more likely to become unhinged than to panic, though. He can get through such situations with dignity, but… more often than not, he’ll be left banging his head off a wall. Or murdering someone’s father in an elevator. Despite seeming as though he has it together, he’s also somewhat paranoid…
Hacking: Medium-the very low end of Hard. Von Karma strives for perfection in all things, and hacking is no exception. He routinely attempts to hack entries; partially to challenge himself, partially to reach that goal of perfection, and partially to see if there’s any information relevant to him. However, it’s lower on his priorities than some other things, so even though he’s been at it on and off during the years that the difference engines have been on the market, he can only barely hack some Hard-level entries, and even then, it takes him a very long time.
Abilities/Weapons: von Karma wouldn't really have much going for him were it not for his obsession with perfection. As a normal human with no magical abilities whatsoever, he's probably only remained undefeated for forty years by sheer force of will. ...also some rather illegal means, but those were overlooked due to his skill at intimidating Parliament. His skills at commanding a ship are second to none, and he can hold any needed position. In close-quarters combat, he is highly skilled at fencing and martial arts. His personal weapons consist of a rapier, a sword cane, and a slightly less-than-legal taser. Also, when introduced to something new, he typically masters it as quickly as he possibly can. He speaks most languages, as well.
Weaknesses: Despite what he would want you to believe, von Karma does have a few glaring weaknesses. His arrogance and general jerkassery don't do much to endear him to the public, and while he isn't quite cocky, arrogance is also a weak spot. He doesn't remember people unless he knows them very, very well. If, by some chance, he loses, he does not take it well at all. Also, the bullet in his shoulder tends to cause him pain when he's angry, and could potentially be targeted as a weak point. Another weak point is his blind spot: while he has adjusted somewhat well to the lack of depth perception caused by losing his right eye, there’s no way for him to cover for that side.
History: The von Karma family is one of the most prominent in Ivona, and for good reason. Their drive for perfection has brought many a victory to Ivona, causing many to dismiss the slight obsessive insanity that comes with it. It is questionable as to whether they're born with it ingrained into them, or if it's just a result of the Spartan upbringing and conditioning that they undergo. Whatever the case, there is usually only one result; perfection. …except, of course, for the fatal mistakes that occur when they inevitably murder someone only to be killed by another member of the family for staining the family name, but that's neither here nor there.
Manfred von Karma really isn't any different from the rest of them. He was born into the main family, which was rather large at the time, but grew noticeably... smaller, as some of his siblings made a few mistakes and making mistakes in the von Karma family causes you to become rather... shall we say... accident prone. Nevertheless, Manfred survived to effortlessly complete school, become an officer, have his father court martialed when the accidents that his siblings sustained turned out to be not that accidental after all, and, through his unmatched military skill, quickly managed to become one of the most prominent, to almost no one's surprise. To the surprise of some people, he got married, and to the greater surprise of the same people, he had two daughters. He remained completely undefeated; nobody could even come close to even getting a shot in during a battle with him.
Until a man by the name of Gregory Edgeworth came upon the scene, which resulted in a surprise skirmish for both sides. Gregory managed to deal quite a bit of damage to von Karma's ship, which was utterly infuriating because he had defeated entire fleets and to be very nearly defeated by a few lucky shots- well. Even though the ship was dangerously close to... well... falling apart, von Karma pursued him, but he got away.
Shortly after the battle, Parliament had the nerve to arrange a minor truce. Neither side believed permanent peace was possible, but they didn't want to have their ships shooting at each other at every moment. The captains of the ships and a few escorts were invited to Kropmork to "make nice"; needless to say, the talks didn't go well (mostly due to von Karma's impenetrable ego), and the two countries were at a stalemate. von Karma was preparing to leave the building that the talks had been held in when the power went out. He irritably felt his way through the darkness until his eyes adjusted to the dim, ornamental candlelight and got to what he thought was the elevator lift, only to be shot in the shoulder. Maddened by sheer rage, von Karma wrenched the door to the lift open only to see Gregory Edgeworth, some Vohemaro he couldn't identify, and a boy he assumed to be Edgeworth's son, all unconscious. There was also a gun lying on the lift floor; presumably the one that had shot him. He shot Gregory Edgeworth and left the building without incident.
Fortunately for von Karma, this had thrown everybody into complete chaos. Both sides had decent alibis, and nobody was in a real state to investigate due to the the tense political situation. Parliament relegated von Karma to a more subdued role, which also worked out for him; he did need some time to heal, after all.
Shortly afterwards, he ran into young Miles Edgeworth in Kropmork. The boy was being threatened by a few of the… "friendly locals." He considered perhaps leaving the boy to his fate, but... well, the opportunity for eventual revenge, ruination of the Edgeworth name, and a human shield prevented him from doing so. The locals were dealt with, and von Karma offered the boy offered security (i.e. traveling with von Karma and, when necessary, doing menial jobs) and 'information' on the murder of the boy's father(i.e. lies about how it was all the fault of Vohemaro pirates, because everyone knows that they eat their own and they wanted more fighting while Gregory Edgeworth wanted peace), after served to turn Edgeworth against his former homeland. Eventually, this led to Edgeworth being adopted into the family, getting the whole von Karma treatment, and eventually becoming von Karma's first mate.
This went on for quite a few years, until a series of incidents (read: failures) gradually wore away at von Karma’s tolerance of Edgeworth. After an incident where Edgeworth helped the journalist Phoenix Wright defend the innocence of the revolutionary Joseph Falls, he decided that Edgeworth needed to be taken care of. Von Karma orchestrated the murder of a diplomat so that Edgeworth would be the most suspicious person in the case; however, things did not go as planned. The fall guy who did von Karma’s dirty work was found guilty, and both Edgeworth and von Karma went free.
Unfortunately for von Karma, though, while there wasn’t enough evidence to prove his guilt in regards to anything, implications about his involvement in the current murder-as well as the murder of Gregory Edgeworth-came to light. The fact that he received no punishment for such things could have exploded into a scandal quickly. This, combined with the military’s growing distaste for von Karma in general, lead to them giving him an ‘honorable’ discharge, nominally due to an injury. Few actually believed von Karma was physically incapable of remaining in the military… but, given his disagreeable nature, few defended him.
Of course, von Karma did not take this well. It wasn’t that they were trying to get rid of him; it was the imperfect way in which they did it. It was so transparent, and it didn’t even really get rid of him. If they really wanted him gone, they could have dug something unsavory about him up and had him court-martialed. Well, they’d learn to regret that they hadn’t…