You know your already screwed on this one! HAHA!! Jayme said you get two somethings now, because of your telling her she's not allowed to get you anything. AND..I already have somethings for you. Don't worry, we're not going to shower you in expensive toys and whatnot. But there's nothing wrong with cheap, goofy stuff that'll make you laugh. It's all in the thought. And you best not be thinking your gonna try to reciprocate in anyway. Or else. (and or else stands for Pups will get punishment in the worst way possible that he knows. Which you know what I mean.) And if you do try. Make me something. Preferably use your imagination and an aol disk. Duuuuuude, I made KICKASS coasters the one year. With pipe cleaners, googly eye, and felt. Um. Anyway. A very merry you. Mwah!
Yeah, I'm with Trich on this. F*** your rules and those people who pointed at Australia. Koalas did nothin' to no body. You're getting your gift...Dick...and you'll like it. And if you give me something...I'll punch you in yer knee binders. -hanson (has spoken)
I second thatlady_jillianDecember 6 2005, 18:57:26 UTC
I am with hanson... we are your friends... if we wanted something in return we would horrible firends... so you will say thank you with a big grin on your face... and I will let hanson punch you in "yer" knee binders if you give me something... and I still want you to come to my party on new years... I will pick your ass up if I have to...
Richards never coming back...I steal him.commie2112December 8 2005, 16:12:40 UTC
Okay - so I just noticed. And I'm sorry to disappoint everyone.. But Mr. Richard has got very important plans for new years. Unfortunately we already had to tell him his christmas present, so he would know not to make plans. Alas, the train tickets are already in the works.
We'd do bus, to be equally cruel, but there ain't no way in hell jayme and I can afford plane. So! If anyone else wants to chip in and we can get him back home again (cause we planned on just buying one way and KEEPING HIM!! FOREVER!!!AND EVER!!!!) Wait..nevermind. I like that plan. Merry Christmas! (Minez! Mwah. Love you.) Trich (yes, hanson, i've got penguin coasters in the works.)
Re: Richards never coming back...I steal him.jahansonDecember 8 2005, 17:17:22 UTC
F*** yeah! Penguin coaster!!! Actually, you can keep him as long as I get his PsP. He won't need it if he's around you all the time. Also inform him that if he smarts like that to me (about the penguin name) his jawa-fudging-arse will be s.o.l. when Tuesday comes around. -hanson
Re: Richards never coming back...I steal him.commie2112December 8 2005, 19:47:28 UTC
mOOp? Smarts like that to you (penguin name?) Aloysius Poppy? Someone 'splain? And NO, he def. needs the PsP! I need a break sometime!!! Geez Hanson! Trich (Who cannot figure out just exactly how to make the wings flappy on the penguin coaster...but is working on it.) (Um. By the way. HI RICH! Loves you.)
Comments 18
Jayme said you get two somethings now, because of your telling her she's not allowed to get you anything.
AND..I already have somethings for you.
Don't worry, we're not going to shower you in expensive toys and whatnot.
But there's nothing wrong with cheap, goofy stuff that'll make you laugh.
It's all in the thought.
And you best not be thinking your gonna try to reciprocate in anyway.
Or else.
(and or else stands for Pups will get punishment in the worst way possible that he knows. Which you know what I mean.)
And if you do try. Make me something. Preferably use your imagination and an aol disk.
Duuuuuude, I made KICKASS coasters the one year. With pipe cleaners, googly eye, and felt.
A very merry you.
-hanson (likes penguins more than Trich)
-hanson (has spoken)
But Mr. Richard has got very important plans for new years. Unfortunately we already had to tell him his christmas present, so he would know not to make plans.
Alas, the train tickets are already in the works.
We'd do bus, to be equally cruel, but there ain't no way in hell jayme and I can afford plane.
So! If anyone else wants to chip in and we can get him back home again (cause we planned on just buying one way and KEEPING HIM!! FOREVER!!!AND EVER!!!!)
I like that plan.
Merry Christmas!
(Minez! Mwah. Love you.)
Trich (yes, hanson, i've got penguin coasters in the works.)
Smarts like that to you (penguin name?) Aloysius Poppy?
Someone 'splain?
And NO, he def. needs the PsP! I need a break sometime!!!
Geez Hanson!
Trich (Who cannot figure out just exactly how to make the wings flappy on the penguin coaster...but is working on it.)
(Um. By the way. HI RICH! Loves you.)
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