PW Movie? Also, a LONG YGO meme.

May 28, 2011 02:42

First: Wow, so the whole PW-Movie-stuff is confirmed now? ...It's prolly gonna be pretty cool. I'm still miffy about how Capcom completely ignores Apollo and his Crew >:(

On other news...

1. Which of the series have you seen?

Almost all of DM, although I never really watched the Egypt Arc (I only had acess to the dub, and... ok, who am I kidding, dub or not, those episodes were drop dead boring and horribly animated 8D). But I read the Manga-chapters about it, so I think that counts, too.

Almost nothing of GX, only about 15 episodes or so, all of the first season I think.

Almost all of 5d's, though I missed some episodes around 94-98 or so and then... I think I stopped watching at ep140.

And only two or three episodes of Zexal 8D

2. Favourite character?

DM: So many, can't decide! I love Mahado, Yami, Seto, Anzu, Ishizu, Mai, Marik, Bakura, Noah, everyone 8D

GX: From what I watched, I think I would have liked Fubuki. Also his design just appeals to me.

5Ds: Divine.

ZX: Hm, I don't really know many characters yet 8D I like Yuma though. And Shark. And Kotori is cute, too.

3. Not counting the character you just named, favorite male and female character?

DM: Oh my, I just said I couldn't decide ^^° Favorite male character has to be Mahado/the Black Magician though. I adore him so much >.< And favorite female character... Can't decide between Anzu, Mai and Ishizu ^^°

GX: That would be Fubuki and Asuka I guess.

5Ds: As you maybe noticed, I don't care about the "not counting" 8D So my favorite male character is by far Divine, and my favorite female character... well, all the women in 5d's started to suck at one point or another, except maybe for Luka, so I think I'll go for her. I remember loving Carly so much it hurt, and I do have a gigantic weak spot for Aki. Also... uhm... in my head, Sherry is totally awesome, no matter what the show did to her >:(

ZX: Damn, I dunno XD Shark and Kotori?

4. And what about your least favorite characters, of both genders?

DM: Huh, don't really know. For the male characters... maybe Armelda? Never liked that guy. And for the female characters I have to admit that in the anime I utterly despise Mana 8D I like the BMG, but Anime!Mana is so obnoxious x___X

GX: I have no effin idea, but I bet I would hate Johan if I ever properly watched GX 8D

5Ds: Male: Kiryu and especially Bruno. Kiryu because he's an annoying white-haired-pretty-boy-guy bare of ANY character, just changing his attitude to what fits the scenario (you cannot tell me that's character developement. First he's like "YAY let's be awesome in Satellite! :DDDD" then he's all "I'M SUCH A PSYCHOPATH BELIEVE ME LOOK AT ME DON'T YOU HEAR MY CRAZY LAUGH *crazyfaise*" and last but not least he goes "Oh noes I hatez my life I wanna be dead *cuts himself").
And Bruno because he was one of the most superfluous and idiotic plot devices I have ever seen. That whole Bruglasstinomy-thing was SO idiotic and crude and confusing and overall nonsensical ^^°°° What. Was. BRUNO. There. For. The person that can give me a reasonable answer to that question earns my admiration forever. And don't go on telling me how without his help Yusei couldn't have come up with that engine-thing. He's the main character, he would've found a way.
Oh, I hate Yusei, too, for that matter.
For the female characters, I hate Carly. Though actually it's not her fault that I hate her, it's the writer's fault. For bringing her back when she clearly should have stood dead.

5. What do you ship?

DM: Oh my, uh... Seto/Yami and all its variations has to be my OTP forever and ever and ever I guess. Was the first pairing I ever shipped actually 8D But I like so much stuff. Bakura/Marik, Noah/Seto, Yugi/Anzu, Jou/Yugi, Noah/Mokuba, Mahado/Ishizu, Mahado/Atemu/Seth, Odion/Marik, Yami/Mai, Isono/Seto etc etc...

GX: I think I would have ended up shipping Fubuki/Asuka/Ryo, and I already do ship Jun/Judai ^^

5Ds: WAY too much to count. Divine/Aki, Rudger/Dr.Fudo/Rex, Jack/Yusei, Crow/Aki, Rex/Jack, Kiryu/Crow, Ushio/Mikage, Misty/Aki, Sherry/Yusei, Placido/DarkGlass, Luciano/Luka/Lua, Sherry/Aki... lots and lots more. And then I have my beloved six-some in which everyone is slashed with everyone and it's beautiful. Rudger/Dr.Fudo/Rex/Jack/Yusei/Divine.

6. What shipping do you despise/don’t understand how people could ship it?

DM: That's pretty easy. Yami/Yugi is probably the pairing I can stand least. Funny enough, it is the first pairing I ever found fanarts of that I found sort of cute. And I used to ship it quite a lot. I think I actually loved it back in the days, I just can't remember. But then along came the queen of the German Yami/Yugi-Fandom and her pitiful drawing slave with one of the most disgusting Doujinshi I ever read. And I'm not talking about the drawings, those were really great. But the dialogue and plot was SO absolutely gross. Imagine, it was this single doujinshi that made me utterly despise a pairing I once really liked.
I also really dislike Seto/Yugi and DAMN as much as I love Jou/Seto, that uberseme!Seto/uberuke!Jou stuff really makes me wanna hurl.
Oh, I also have quite a strong dislike for Atemu/Mana.

GX: Never watched enough to dislike any pairing, but I bet I would have hated Johan/Judai 8D

5Ds: There's no other show ever with so many pairings I hate. There we have Kiryu/Yusei, Bruno/Yusei, Bruno/Sherry, Jack/Crow, Kazama/Jack, and though I usually like Yusei/Aki, DAMN the Failshippers tick me off.

7. Your OTP? Why?

DM: Seto/Yami. I am too tired to write down everything because man I'm a fan of this pairing for something like seven years now and you can believe me there's enough reason for me to ship it ;)

GX: Would probably be Fubuki/Asuka/Ryo. Because it seems just like my cup of tea.

5Ds: Divine/Aki. Don't get me even STARTED.

8. How did you get into *Insert series here; if all, just put Yu-Gi-Oh in general*?

I was a thirteen years old girl in front of a television and a horrible crush on Yami and Yugi? 8D

9. Do you duel?

Yepp ^^

10. Favourite monster?

Has got to be Jurrac Monoloph and his daddy Jurrac Giganoto *3*

11. Your least favourite monster?

Uh... can't think of one? I'd say the BMG is overrated if I didn't love her design so much myself ^^°

12. Most stupid monster?

Sorry, cannot think of anything.

13. What’s the most Mary-Sueish, or rigged card you’ve seen used?

Sorry, I don't know enough about the different monsters' effects to answer that question 8D Prolly Stardust and all its cheating-ex-machina-pimp-versions.

14. Favourite summoning method?

I do like Synchro Summon a lot, but actually I think I like the normal way the most ^^

15. Favourite trap?

I guess Hunting Instinct is pretty cool ^^

16. Favourite Spell card and Field Spell? (Speed World 1 and 2 apply, and Speed Spells are included)

Solidarity! >:3 Burden Of The Mighty is awesome, too ^^

17. What’s your favourite deck you’ve seen used in the show?

DM: I think I remember liking Raphael's deck quite a lot o.o

GX: Haven't watched enough. But I always liked how Asuka's monsters were so girly XD

5Ds: Ehehe, Divine's Psy Deck would've been so fuckin epic if they included all the awesome epic Psy monsters that are released NOW. It still makes me sad like you wouldn't believe that he will never be able to play Ultimate Psychicker ú__ù

18. Favourite Shadow Game/Shadow Duel?

DM: You really think I can recall every stupid Shadow Duel? 8D The first Bakura vs Yami was epic though ^^ With the cosplaying and all XD

GX: no idea.

5d's: ...I was fucking crying throughout the Jack vs Carly duel. I think that's indicator enough.

19. Favourite arc?

DM: For the anime, definitely Duelist Kingdom. The only arc I could still watch from start to finish without being bored out of my skull XD

GX: *shrugs*

5Ds: Fortune Cup.

20. Dub or Subs?

I think it's both ok. I grew up with the Dub, so I just love all the German voices. And I've never watched more than two or three original DM episodes. But I know everytime I try to watch any DM episode nowadays that isn't part of Duelist Kingdom, I end up falling asleep. But maybe that wouldn't change if I watched the original stuff? 8D

5d's... original. I hate dub!Yusei even more than regular Yusei, not to speak of Akiza and... *shudders* Sayer.

21. Pet Peeve towards the series?

Oh my, YGO actually is such a gigantic bunch of fail, what am I supposed to say? XD

22. Insert yourself into the series. Tell us the YGO need-to-know info that this insertion would hold.

Haha, this is so ridiculous. Okay, uhm, here you go. I'd be one of the remaining Arcadia Movement's psychic duelists, not a particularily strong one but good enough, still loyal to Divine and searching for him, blaming his disappearance on Yusei and craving for REVENGE! D:<< So I'd probably be a lousy excuse for an antagonist. I'd use a beat-down deck made of Jurrac cards <3

23. If you could be friends with any of the characters, who would you pick?

DM: Anzu, Yugi, Jou <3

GX: idk

5Ds: Well... ahaha... I remember playing Reverse of the Arcadia and literally screaming at the NDS because the game wouldn't let me chose whether I WANT to be part of the Arcadia Movement... What would I give srsly ^^°°

24. What Duel Monster would you want as a Spirit Partner? And which one as your Ka?

Uh, so I guess my Spirit Partner would be Jurrac Monoloph.
And my Ka'd be Hiita The Fire Charmer which actually is pretty supid, because then my Spirit Partner should be Fox Fire, but I don't care 8D I even look exactly like her. Well, ok, I look more like Blazing Hiita, but whatever 8D

25. If you could have any of the powers shown in YGO, what one would you have?

You mean irl? None plz ^^°

26. Do you have any YGO video games? If so, which ones do you have and have you enjoyed them?

The only YGO video games I EVER played are the Power of Chaos games of Seto and Yami 8D
I guess I would've bought myself a psp and everything for the 5d's TF games, but I'm so AMAZINGLY butthurt about the fact that they included characters like Rally, Jaeger, numerous Mikages, HEAPS of Akis, HUNDREDS OF KIRYUS even DEMAK but not one single fuckin Divine. I mean, he would've been extremely idiotic anyway, permanentely trying to brainwash the player and everyone around him all the time (because that's what he did throughout the whole show, riiiight? 8D), but still >:( Now I'll never know what his favorite food is D:
...What, me obsessed with a stupid minor character? NEVER.

27. Is there anything related to YGO that you treasure and hold dear to you?

I think my Head!Canon of 5d's. Oh, you meant something physical? ...The awesome friends I got to know through it.

28. Any moments from YGO that make you cry?

Can't remember about DM, but I bet it made me cry once or twice XD

5d's made me cry twice or thrice in-show (the Jack vs Carly duel and the moment Yusei had his idiotic "Why do my friends love me how do I make up to them" moment during his duel vs Rudger) and "out-show"...

...I've heared from some people lately they actually cry because they see their favorite characters or pairings underappreciated, so I don't feel as embarrassed admitting that most of the time I was 5d's fan I spent being incredibly sad and hurt about Divine, how he got treated in-show and by the fandom, and the whole... Jack-Yusei-thing.
Let's not get started at how many wasted hours of my life I spent weeping about the fact that the writers hated Divine, about his wasted potential, how much I probably misinterpret him, how much I admire him or more my idea of him, how so few people actually get what a great character he is and how stupid I am to actually take all this so serious and... well... that whole thing about Jack and Yusei never getting the make-up-scene they deserved really wore me out.

It still hurts me when I think about it, and I tried to forget everything connected to that disgusting fandom that managed to drag me down so much for so long and really made me cry when actually being a fan of a show is supposed to make you happy.

...GOD I'm glad I finally found stuff that doesn't shoot me in the face every fuckin day 8D8D8D

29. Any funny moments YGO-related you’d like to share? (Outside of the show or in the show, doesn’t matter)

Can't think of one right now ^^° Sorry, the last question made me feel all miffy and sad again ^^°

30. Last one: End it with a bang. Say your favorite catchphrase.

8D I don't have one!

meme, cardgame faggotry, disregard that i'm an idiot, fandom's a bitch

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