So, although my OTP is still (as of now) Kurt/Blaine, I have become increasingly intrigued by Kurt/Karofsky slash, due to two reasons:
1. Max Adler is gorgeous and stunning and kind of irresistibly hot.
brittanyksduh ships it. (If you don't know who she is, she's kind of a big deal in the Kirk/Spock world, from whence I came.)
So! If I were to pick ONE fic to read Right The Hell Now, which would you recommend? Which fic epitomises the hope of Kurt and Karofsky overcoming all the obstacles to find love together? (I'm not really looking for PWP yet - I'd like something that shows the journey these two have to take to end up together, because that road? Is long. I want a believable development of their relationship. Also, the longer the better - but if it's good, it doesn't have to be long. God knows my best fic isn't.)
I can has recs?
(Also, I would love a few Max/Chris recs. UNF.)
EDIT: Holy shit, you guys are fast! Okay, you can stop reccing me the Kurtofsky IMs now. I'm reading them! I'm reading them and they're just as brilliant as y'all said. More so, in fact. So, what besides The Kurtofsky IMs should I read? ;)