
Jun 22, 2004 22:56

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Comments 7

myownredeemer June 22 2004, 22:16:02 UTC
i was really depressed tonight but you made me smile, thanks.


karoothers June 26 2004, 22:27:38 UTC
awwww....well, awesome cause that was exactly my goal so I can like die happy?


HEY BEBEH! devylovesgizmo June 22 2004, 23:23:02 UTC
I miss ya a lot. We really do need to talk soon, I was wonderin when u were finally let everyone know u were still alive. I hope I see you online soon. Good luck with Lawrence! :P
Love ya,


Re: HEY BEBEH! karoothers June 26 2004, 22:28:17 UTC
hey kid, awesome truck! and yeah, sorry about not getting online, just always tired and busy, yet having no life, how does that work?


grannyfatpants June 23 2004, 09:13:59 UTC
i love misty karoothers.
we need to talk sometime...you know...like using phones and such...


Bloated pimpinfaz86 June 23 2004, 10:08:51 UTC
Hey misty theres alittle thing called keeping in touch............ u should try doing that sometime aight


Re: Bloated karoothers June 26 2004, 22:27:02 UTC
well, I'll be there in a few weeks so just hold out a while kid...::smiles::


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