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Comments 7

mit_souko November 3 2010, 14:31:55 UTC
Seems you have quite a decent choice of restaurants in Bremen!


karu_chan November 4 2010, 23:38:40 UTC
Actually we do have, but haven't tried that many yet. This is mainly a reminder for us, but also if our parents visit, we want to be able to give them a choice ^^
Once we had the plan to go through the letters from A-Z and visit one restaurant starting with each letter *ggg*


leviosa8 February 23 2011, 09:08:47 UTC
This is a cool idea. I should make a similar list with my favorite restaurants in Madrid. : )


reiko01 March 23 2011, 06:30:02 UTC
Heyyy! long time no talk! ♥ *wave* Happy belated bday! Do u know my wedding anniv. was March 17 too? What a coincidence! :D ♥ Just thot I'd let u know since I got a msg sent to me fr. LJ telling me your bdate. XDD Just checking in here; that's all. Hope u're doing well. Tc & keep in touch!


reiko01 March 23 2011, 06:31:41 UTC
Btw, to comment to ur thread here, wow...that's a lot of restaurants! o.o Where's Bremen btw? (sry to sound 'dumb' here ><)


gensou_alice October 22 2011, 19:59:49 UTC
This might be useful if I ever go to Bremen,
or learn German >.>
How about when I come visit you~~ :D


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