Outlander First Look Trailer

Jan 29, 2014 19:58

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Summer... please come soon ^^;;;

(Which is also when the next Outlander book and the last book of "Mortal instruments" will be released).


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Comments 4

mit_souko January 29 2014, 22:07:45 UTC
I had practically given up reading another book of that series. Though, imo, the last one wasn't as good as the others. But it left a lot of hooks dangling, and as usual, I want to know how it ends!

Thanks for giving me hope. I have another reason to wish for summer: we are having an arctic winter, and i hate it.


karu_chan January 30 2014, 06:56:15 UTC
Yes, that last book had some many open plots, that the time between that book and the upcoming one seemed like an eternity.

That's it with winter!
It's okay for a few day, a week maybe, but then the snow and the cold (and quite a few days with no sun) become annoying very soon.
Especially the cold is just COLD! and you are freezing (or hands and feet are) no matter what you do and how many layers you wear ;_;


lovespiral January 31 2014, 04:00:54 UTC
I didn't know you were into the Outlander series too :D/ hurray!! I have no clue where my Kindle is but I wanted to reread in advance of the new book coming out ughhhh


karu_chan January 31 2014, 06:56:36 UTC
*nods* I am :-)

Though I've accidentally started with volume 4 (not knowing anything about the plot and the characters). Which is why Brianna is my favourite character.
Reading volume 1 afterwards made me go "o.O so much pr0n here?!" more often than not.
The trailer shows at least one scene that they didn't cut from the book, though they'll have to delete quite a few scenes or they can show it only after 10 PM on TV ^^;;;


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