ohayou gozaimasutyler_k_barnesAugust 11 2010, 00:15:22 UTC
OK, my semester of Japanese in college is no longer accessible to me. I am in that dark period of having recently finished watching all the anime versions of Rosario To Vampire and Princess Resurrection. The good news is that I have been buying the Rosario trades and only stopped reading them until I got a hold of the anime season 1 & 2, now I can continue. Those books hooked me right away! Princess Resurrection Vol 1 (original) is on order and I'm really looking forward into diving into that series. I realize it's much darker and Hime uses her blood and not the "flame" - I'm curious to see how Princess Sherwood was originally written as well. Hey, I'd like to be your friend and I'm glad you posted (with links!) to the new translation. Thank you.
Re: ohayou gozaimasukarumuAugust 15 2010, 23:27:13 UTC
Well, first at all thanks for the long comment, but we only have one interest in common (Rosario+Vampire) and I don't see why i should add you back for only that. Sorry for sounding rude, but if you give me more reasons why I should add you back, I'll gladly do so.
Re: ohayou gozaimasutyler_k_barnesAugust 16 2010, 20:07:46 UTC
Thank you for adding me as a friend, if only to reply back to you. I read other manga as well. This is my vampire summer as I am starting Dance of the Vampire Bund as well as finally digging in to the Rasario books I've been buying over the last year.
It's a small world, my parents are German imigrants though I was born in California, but I grew up in a "hybrid" household, and yes, I can read and write German aber es ist ein bisschen zu langsam und ist oft ein bisschen lachbar und kommt aus etwas komisch.
I will unfriend you and expect you to do the same with me, no hard feelings, I can appreciate you wanting to keep a focus. I'm new here and am just trying to build up my links and have not met an overload point yet. I will look forward to crossing paths with you in the future as we may have common interests.
Comments 34
btw, ♥ all the icons you post.
aww and tyvm♥
I look forward to getting to know you. XD
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It's a small world, my parents are German imigrants though I was born in California, but I grew up in a "hybrid" household, and yes, I can read and write German aber es ist ein bisschen zu langsam und ist oft ein bisschen lachbar und kommt aus etwas komisch.
I will unfriend you and expect you to do the same with me, no hard feelings, I can appreciate you wanting to keep a focus. I'm new here and am just trying to build up my links and have not met an overload point yet. I will look forward to crossing paths with you in the future as we may have common interests.
Auf Wiedersehen!
I wonder where you were gone, we haven't talked for ages D:
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