i dunno about recommended reading, but as far as introducing them without anyone getting eaten: give them their own rooms for a little while and keep them separated the first couple days, then supervise introductions and interactions when they start getting curious about the animal on the other side of the door. also, apply a lot of love and attention to both, as equally as you can.
Jean Donaldson's The Culture Clash-very good book about basic dog stuff.
Get brave kitten, get dog that doesn't eat kittens. That will make your life a lot easier. I don't know if you already have the dog picked out, but if not, make sure you get one that is cat-tested (if you go shelter route, some will do this for you). Pick a breed or breed mix that is not known to be rough on cats (which means no Northern breeds, no hounds, and probably no herding dogs, although that is more variable).
Culture Clash is a great book, as is Don't Shoot the Dog - both are excellent for understanding dog culture and how to train/interact with them. I can't help with cats; I've never had one. Best of luck!
Comments 9
Get brave kitten, get dog that doesn't eat kittens. That will make your life a lot easier. I don't know if you already have the dog picked out, but if not, make sure you get one that is cat-tested (if you go shelter route, some will do this for you). Pick a breed or breed mix that is not known to be rough on cats (which means no Northern breeds, no hounds, and probably no herding dogs, although that is more variable).
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