
May 15, 2010 06:04

  • 14:04 Aww, Ame's coworker saw me at the bus stop so he stopped and gave me a ride to campus. ; w; Her coworkers are the besttt. #
  • 14:13 Also I gave officially dropped off my portfolio which means I'M FINALLY FUCKING DONE FOR THE SEMESTER AHHH WOO SUMMER BREAK. #
  • 15:33 A strange thing: encountering a MORE gay, MORE ginger version of a gay ginger classmate. o_o #
  • 15:42 Unreasonably excited to clean the apartment for the sake of cleaning, instead of procrasticleaning, which I've wanted to do all week. #
  • 15:47 NOOO I just realized I can't vacuum yet because Max is borrowing ours. Love is over. #
  • 15:56 @ lisito I think about that whenever I hear that song and it makes me so sad. :( Paprika's an adorable name for a Cyndaquil, though! #
  • 16:12 @ lannonballer I'm not that desperate for it! When you coming back? :( #
  • 16:12 @ magicalinternet ohhhhhh that is disappointing :( come on, we already lost Muse to awful twilight fans, now we have to lose Metric too? #
  • 16:13 @ rockolla I totally get that they're not everybody's thing, they weren't that big of a deal to me until Ame got me really into idols. *_* #
  • 16:14 @ rockolla but having been to a bunch of con+not-con concerts, some of my favorite concerts have been at cons. L'arc, AnCafe, H&A... #
  • 16:14 @ rockolla I think part of it's also that seeing Japanese guests is such a rare thing that it ends up being a bigger deal? idk idk weeaboo. #
  • 16:16 @ rockolla also it's p. much become our main fandom, so autographs are our only chance to like.. express how much we care about these ladies. #
  • 16:16 @ rockolla BABBLING SORRY ILU #
  • 16:17 @ coffeetan I'll make a big zip file for you! :D #
  • 19:19 @ Scootkadoot seconding Max, pointe shoes can be legit really dangerous if you haven't been trained in them. :\ You can destroy your ankles. #
  • 19:49 ...Why the hell are Anime Expo's customer (lol typed costumer first) service hours in east coast time? And why the hell didn't it save my- #
  • 19:49 -previous hotel reservation? I swear to fucking god, this con. >:| Most retarded system ever. #
  • 19:50 Also cool, disappointing news just came in a set of three, within about 5 minutes. #
  • 19:58 Aaah I'm sorry for complaining, by "disappointing news" I mostly just mean weekend plans not going as hoped. Just being a weenie about it! #
  • 19:59 @ kyuurisando @happy_riceball see last tweet!;; but I appreciate the love anyway! ; A; <3 #
  • 20:00 Also apparently I didn't secure the hotel reservation with a credit card last time? But now it's fine, so all we have to do is badge stuff.. #
  • 20:03 ...except why is it telling me the room rate is $153/night when the site says $135??? D:< Ok seriously calling them on Monday. #
  • 20:12 ...Nevermind, apparently listing three occupants gives you a triple, which is more expensive. Back to $135! #tweetshappenbecauseIcantread #
  • 20:26 So about how AKB's new PV is just. The cutest, happiest OMG SUMMER song ever? ..also bikinis. >_> #
  • 20:26 Seriously that song and PV make me a little ;; w;;/ because they're SO HAPPY AND CUTE AHHHHH SUMMER HELLO I wanna go to the beach! #
  • 20:39 @ rockolla derp, missed this response! Yeah I mean. Really nerdy confession but a big reason I'm learning Japanese is so I can communicate w/ #
  • 20:39 @ rockolla the ladies I like, be it through fan letters (Zuka ladies) or meeting them at cons. When we met Yossi I was able to at least tell- #
  • 20:40 @ rockolla that she was our #1 idol and that the concert was amazing, which was enough to make it worth it! ;; w;; #
  • 21:29 @ coffeetan what's your email? the zip file's too big for sendspace so I'm trying megaupload, ffff. #
  • 23:49 UGH my fucking computer! Keyboard and trackpad stopped working again. I AM IN NO MOOD. #
  • 02:47 OHHHH MY GOD Ame and I just watched Infinity, which is basically AKB48 Zuka with our fav Sayaka playing unreasonably hot vampire guy... #
  • 02:49 It also includes several VERY not Zuka NOT stage kisses, and the curtain call has us SCREAMING because there are def unscripted smooches AHH #
  • 02:50 Akimoto Sayaka, you have a fierce grip on ours hearts. We've got it real bad for her. <3 #
From your old friend, LT.
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