
May 23, 2010 06:00

  • 11:25 ...Good morning to you too Larval Rin. #
  • 11:31 @ lannonballer Barely! We need to get groceries with Mom before she leaves. It is tooooo early. #
  • 19:45 Long day of running around doing errands! BUT MY COMPUTER'S FIXED AND A LAPTOP AGAIN. Also, best use of an iPad: #
  • 21:38 "With friends like these, who needs enemas." - @mightyatom "I can't even. You guys make me shit." - @lisito #
  • 22:17 WhyyyyYYYYYYY aaaam I so sleeeepy?? #
  • 22:55 Guys, Larval Rin is seriously the best thing to happen to us. We just... can't stop discussing what it would be like to have one. As a pet. #
  • 23:03 "Okay actually, so there are chunks in this Qoo." #
  • 23:07 @ redbiiird that sure is the Qoo that's been sitting in our fridge since fall semester! #
  • 23:13 @ lannonballer Japanese apple juice drink! Japple. #
  • 23:24 @ lannonballer let's do something fuuuun. #
  • 23:25 @ PijoGenjo mine too!! ...Except it's been sitting in the door of our fridge for several months 'cause I kinda forgot about it. >_>;; #
  • 23:28 Q:what are your thoughts on 2012? (the possible... A:95% of me is like "lol whatever I really don'... #
  • 23:31 "Is there a team for every letter of the alphabet?" "No, just A, K and B." "Can you imagine the Mongoloids that would be on Team Z?" MIA!!! #
  • 00:42 @ ohkatsu I mean, you guys could probably just, like, pay me in macarons for the room. If you wanted. #
  • 00:42 Q:what are your feelings regarding the phrase "ass-butt"?????... A:This phrase is absolute poetry. #
  • 00:51 @ misadesu AWESOME. * w* ...ok I haven't actually ever had them but they're so cuuuute ;; 3;; #
  • 01:08 @ imortlnoctrn #
  • 01:09 @ kyuurisando 8D #
  • 01:09 @ leechan which one??? Please save one of those for my mantle one day! ;__; ... also I don't know how I feel about that, lmao. #
  • 01:15 @ kawaiiaya ahhh that Hybrid Rainbow towel is awesome!! Also awww blue Buster-kun! ; 3; My black Buster-kun fell off my DS recently, SO SAD. #
  • 01:27 Haha oh nooo our keys are too wide and fat for cute Hello Kitty key covers! #
  • 01:39 AWWWWW @koopacandy, @mightyatom, @lisito and I are all ENFPs. ; w; This is very endearing to me. #
  • 01:54 I wish there was a pkmncollectors rule against Buying A Fucking Ton Of Everything So That No One Else Gets A Chance At It. .___. #
  • 01:56 @ kawaiiaya aww, thank you anyway! ;o; I really want to see them again, I hope they come back to the east coast! #
  • 02:28 @ Meenuuh YES, UGH. I've been looking for a friggin' Dunsparce kid for like 3 years. ._. #
  • 02:30 @ SadLittleCabbit I love that only 7 words in that sentence were spelled correctly and two of them were Lady Gaga! #
  • 02:49 Ame and Mia just Lady & The Tramp'd with an Airhead gummy and it was the cutest thing ever. #
  • 03:23 "She was the kind of girl who, you know, would have to go home and spin around in circles for like an hour." #
  • 04:04 "Ah no, there's a kitten outside in the rain." "With its jaw wired shut because its chin was too big." EVERY TWEET IS QUOTES, I'M SORRY GUYS #
From your old friend, LT.
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