
Jun 15, 2010 06:00

  • 13:22 Okay. Bringing myself to write this letter again. NOT in gmail this time. Ugh. #
  • 15:46 @ booboobunnygirl HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT RACHEL YOU'RE THE BEST <3<3 This is SO GOOD #
  • 15:47 GUYS I LOVE @booboobunnygirl!! She drew me, Ame and Max as our plurk usernames!!! POKEPLURKS FOREVERRR #
  • 15:47 Also the burger on the left HAS A DITTO FACE. DITTOBURGER!!!! #
  • 16:44 @ rockolla ahhh awesome, I'm so glad! that's at least one wig to worry less about. *A* dear cosmo wig seller, plz email me back now. #
  • 16:48 Dear ladytimes: please please please can you happen immediately after Bootycon and be done before AX please please please body please. #tmi #
  • 16:49 I'm just really worried about cramps ambushing me during one of those events because I do NOT be out of commission for whole day. D8 #
  • 20:30 Oh god so stuck on this skirt. Can anyone who can sew give me advice? #
  • 20:32 Re: twitpic. So I left space for the zipper in the back right part of the pleats, like I was told to. But the yoke waaay overlaps that?? #
  • 20:32 How do I... what the hell do I even do. Oh my god this skirt is seriously the death of me. Have I mentioned I've never made a skirt before? #
  • 04:02 It's four in the morning and I am writing complicated kanji???? I 96% finished my skirt, but I FEEL LIKE I'M TRIPPING BALLS RIGHT NOWWWW #
  • 04:07 Ame just put on the mp3 from chin2.mpeg and I am like seriously pooping myself oh my godddd I feel like I'm on drugs BUT IT'S JUST KANJI #
From your old friend, LT.
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