Jun 24, 2010 06:00
- 17:12 Okay, NOW my voice is gone. #
- 17:17 Wait. Jennifer has the best shirt I have ever seen in my life. I need one. twitpic.com/1zcd9k #
- 17:45 Guacamole kappa. twitpic.com/1zck02 #
- 18:10 Today Ame and I are discovering how good T.M.Revolution still is, as neither of us have listened to him since like 2004? #
- 21:45 I have a smelly Schnoodle next to me! ...Also Ame's little brother's toe, lmao. twitpic.com/1zea89 #
- 21:49 Now Mitchell, Ame, a writhing little Beagleface and a dumb Lizface. twitpic.com/1zebku #
- 22:11 Searching for BC photobombs. Found my first! farm2.static.flickr.com/1426/4722197085_50efbc7052_b.jpg Did a LOT of photobombing. #
- 22:12 @ flatlinejack fantastic! Sean and I want to gather some awesome people for a post Bootycon reunion but I think you could get in on that too! #
- 22:13 @ mikachu OF COUUURSE<3<3 the best is that Ame saw him in CA at one of HER first anime cons too! we were p. much the same person. #
- 23:50 ...I find that I don't want to be anywhere on the internet right now except on OB refreshing the BC2010 tab. :( Weenieweenieweenie. #
- 00:34 "I want you to imagine ten years of legs." #
- 00:37 I need people such as @mightyatom, @eyebrowpower, @eemee and other Tim & Eric/Celery Man appreciators to watch this: bit.ly/cQWhHS #
- 00:38 @ manycolors ....OH MY GOD. #
- 00:48 @ misadesu yes! also ah good you guys did get that, no one responded so I wasn't sure ahaha 8D;; #
- 00:51 @ eemee he is seriously Best Guy irl. here is a picture of us jowling, which he is king of. twitpic.com/1zfnp0 #
- 04:09 .@ baduncaduncan's BC2010 facebook album. Omi Gibson +Likes this. Well, I'm pretty glad. She should come to the next Bootycon. #
- 04:14 @ zombiesquire I love dogs more than most people too, but I think that there's also a psychological significance to the types of dogs people- #
- 04:15 @ zombiesquire -like! Like, I'm not much of a fan of small breeds because in my opinion they don't act enough like dogs for me. XD; #
- 05:20 I love that my girlfriend and I can have conversations about how much fun it is to smooch girls. Get over here, Every Cute Lady. #
- 05:21 However, her still being on east coast time and falling asleep like 3 hours earlier than me is pretty lame! #
From your old friend,