Okay, two days and something have passed since the concert so maybe it's time I finally started to actually BELIEVE it really DID happen x"D
I spent bigger part of yesterday trying to upload the 1GB+ of pics I have but nah, even my comp couldn't handle the awesome.
On June 9th & 10th many things happened for the first time in my life and I will try to write them down as they went which is kinda hard cuz of my occasional spazz-attacks as I remember all of the things that were going on asdfhjkl xD
June 9th
It was the day of my and
irethsingollo's departure from Prague. We were taking a plane and why I'm writing about this is mainly because it was the 1st time in my life I've ever taken a plane! x"D I was kinda nervous from the whole thing, but I was also looking forward to it and kinda excited and the only time I was really scared was when the plane took off the ground. I was squishing my Jjong plushie made by my appa the entire time and probably breaking poor Ri-chan's hand (sorry bb ^^;)... but after I got used to it and after thousands of catastrophic movies about planes flashed through my mind I relaxed a little and actually really enjoyed it. (Well, apart from the fact that my ear really hurt when we were landing).
We got to Paris later in the evening and we just put our thing into the hotel and headed out for a walk to Zenith. It was my first time ever in Paris and I really liked the city (I LOVE seeing new places!) but all I could think about were the things ahead of us, the concert that is. The venue wasn't that far but of course, being the walking Onew Sangate me and Ri-chan is, we got lost x"D So We got to Zenith around 11pm~ there were already people preparing to spend the night there to get the best places in the morning (which in my opinion proved to be kinda unnecessary at the actual concert cuz it was NOTHING as I imagined it - no moshpit and stuff~ kudos for kpop fans I guess? x3). We stalked around there, got photographed by security guard, saw the staff (ASDFGJKL! xD) and got back home, all thrilled and giddy and me personally TOTALLY NOT READY FOR THE NEXT DAY ASDFGJHLSJLA!!!! xD
Here's our JongKey plushies made by our dear appa, whom we missed very much on the concert ;~; (click on each pic to see it bigger ^^)
Our SHINee banner which has been on TV 3x lolol ♥
irethsingollo on the left and me on the right~ thanks to the security guy lol!
June 10th
The next day we got some fancy breakfast in Paris cafe and then we met our Czech friends who were staying at the same hotel. We had our banners me and Ri-chan hand made and printed out and we decided to give one of them to the girls cuz they had standing tickets and promised they would give the banner to SHINee (well, more like throw/put it on stage when they were performing) and they actually DID! aaaaah I'm getting all essited when I think they MIGHT ACTUALLY GET IT!! The banners over-all were a success, I think ^^ Everyone seemed to really like it and it made me feel so proud! x3
JongKey having a fancy breakfast xD
Before the concert we went to see Sacre-Couer Cathedral cuz it was quite near of our hotel and cuz it'd be real shame if we hadn't seen anything from Paris apart from Le Zenith x"D (We wanted to see Eiffel Tower initially, but it was too far from us and we had no will whatsoever to travel that far when we had our SHINee boys so near orz).
Sacre-Couer and that merry-go-round where were TVXQ in 2006! xD
Like that we got to Zenith at around 2pm. There were already some crowds but we managed to get pretty much in the front and meet up with our Czech friends again. We also managed to get to the shop and get us some goodies (JONGKEY FANS YAAAAAAY AND T-SHIRT RI-CHAN BOUGHT ME AS BDAY PRESENT YAAAAAAAAAAAY <3). Anyway, I'll skip the looooooong and tiring hours of wait and how we got terribly soaked cuz I'm sure you want to read about the concert the most kkk~
Crowds and Polish Cassies ♥
Here you can see the fans we met at airport, the T-shirts and JongKey fans! ♥
I'll just say that the success with our banner was really great! We got filmed by korean tv 3 times thanks to it! And once they even made a mini-interview with us, asking us who is our fave member (JJONG IS IF YOU STILL WONDER x"D) and why do we like SHINee music, and they even wanted us to sing and dance RDD which we kindly refused x"DDD
So, when we finally got through all those queues there were and inside of the Zenith, we could finally say: WE'RE IN THE SAME BUILDING AS THEM!!! (Seriously, if you told me this a year ago, I would laugh my ass of). We had tickets in sector N, seats 9 and 154 so the past month we were kinda sad that 1) we'll be too far from them and 2) we won't get to sit together T3T IN THE END WE WERE ACTUALLY REALLY CLOSE (for what we have expected) AND WE WERE SITTING TOGETHER ASDFGHJKL (cuz to French 154 comes after 9? idk xD).
JongKey waiting for the REAL JONGKEY! xD (sorry for crappy quality orz)
Btw. another thing I've experienced for the 1st time were the "mexican waves"! Yay! I've always wanted to be a part of one this one went around like 5 or 6 times!! xD Fans were really awesome! :3
Then quite fast with no more further waiting, the LIGHTS WENT OFF AND THE CROWDS WENT CRAY CRAY!
NOTE: all the groups were mixed with their perfs but I'll talk about each of them separately, cuz that's how I remember it better ^^;
First were f(x) and they were great! Vic, Krystal and Sulli were beautiful, Luna sang perfectly, and Amber!!! I was screaming so hard whenever she had her parts!! She's so cute! ;~; I totally love all their dance and overall all songs :3 And they sang GANGSTA BOY YAY! Shame people were sitting during some songs TAT But I think I cheered well for the girls ♥
After f(x) SHINee went on with Stand by Me and from here I was all like asdllkhagdjga SPAZZING, SCREAMING, SHAKING, TAKING PICS ALL AT ONCE AND MOST OF ALL I FELT TOTALLY LIKE IN A DREAM!!!! TTATT I still can't believe I've SEEN THEM!! CAN SOMEONE PINCH ME PLEASE? T3T They were all so beautiful and I lack any words to describe it properly OTL. What I remember the most is that Jjong's, Onew's and Key's screw it, all of their voices!! voice were absolutely heavenly live, that I could somewhat grasp even though there was so many screaming and cheering going on whenever they appeared x"D And second thing, the ONE that made a biggest impression on me is JONGHYUN!!! I SWEAR I'VE NEVER SEEN ANYONE THAT ADORABLE EVER BEFORE! HE'S SO CUDDLY AND SQUISHY AND HYPEEEEER IRL TTTATTT HE WAS JUMPING AND DORKY DANCING AND ALL AROUND THE PLACE ALL THE TIME... and he's tiny T3T And even though I thought it's not really possible, now I think I'm in love with him even more asdfhjkll.
Minho's, Key's, Eunhyuk's and Shindong's rap break was great! I was kinda jelly of the people in the front, they were so close xD Taemin's dancing (along with Luna, "the one from SNSD who dances great), Eunhyunk and few others was soooo cool! But it was Onew, the only person who was able to stop me from my fangirlish screaming when he sang Nessun Dorma. Really, all I could do was just stare at him, my mouth wide open and hell I've even had to sit down, becuase really when he sang, I had no idea what's going on, what is that wonderful, heavenly thing I'm seeing and I kind of wished I could stop the time RIGHT THRE RIGHT THEN AND JUST WATCH HIM FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. I don't even have any photo of it because idk, I guess I lost it a little by that time x"D
SNSD were okay. Well, they were kinda cute and all but I don't really know what more to say about them x"D Oh, when the sang Gee after Lucifer (to which I'll get later), we were so high we couldn't help but dance along happily like a fangirls x"D But it was the SHINee powah, I tell ya.
Super Junior, man, they were so funny and entertaing and I love when there's so many hot guys dancing on stage at the same time! xD We saw everything, we got Lady HeeHee, Beyonces, shirtles Shisus (damn, IT WAS THE 1ST TIME IN MY LIFE EVER THAT I SCREAMED AT A NAKED MAN!! XD) and EunHae fanservice yaaaay x333 Oh, and they sang Sorry Sorry Answer which was, along with Onew's solo, the only two moments that made me nearly cry. Rest of the time I was SO HYPER! XD
Lady HeeHee and Co. /worships xD
HoMin aka what was left from TVXQ, I really hate to say it and I'm afraid I piss some of you off if I say it, but it's only my stupid opinion, well~ they were ok. I mean, the middley (or how it's called, the mix of more songs into one) of their old songs was fine I guess, but I WANTED TO SEE WHOLE MIROTIC DAMMIT!!!! TTATT Anyway, 'sides their two new songs Before U Go and Keep Your Head Doooooown, they also gave us Rising Sun, so I can't really complain. I SAW THE GODS IRL!!!! WHAT MORE CAN I WISH FOR? xD Rising sun was the 3rd time I felt really moved. I mean TVXQ were my first kpop group, and even though it was evident that huge damage was done to them by their company, seeing the at least like this is SO MUCH MORE THAN I EVER WISHED FOR. Again, if you told me I'd see them LIVE only a few months ago, I'd laugh!
Anyway, back to SHINee: omg, the structure of this fanacc. is so bad, OTL.
After Stand By Me they sang also Get Down, REPLAY (ASDFGHJKL I'VE SEEN REPLAY LIVE!! TAT), Juliette, rock!Amigo, Ring Ding Dong, Hello, Ready or Not (ASDFGHJKL) and Lucifer /oh my god, I'VE SEEN LUCIFER LIVE!!!!!! IT WAS SO MUCH MORE than I was hoping for!! T3T I have kinda sad feeling that I haven't seen ENOUGH of them, cuz really, whenever they were on stage, I WAS SO OVERWHELMED TAT I didn't know what to look at first! And of course, all SHINee pics are way worse quality than from the others cuz really, I was so shaking and everything! x"D
The whole concert was gradating and when all the bands perfomed their biggest hits, I was laready like OMG THIS TOO MUCH TO HANDLE I NEED A REST BUT THERE WAS NO REST COMING CUZ THEY JUST CONTINUED BEING AWESOME!!! The whole concert was even better than I had expected! And definitely the best birthday ever!!!!! I spent it with my friend (ILU♥), in fucking Paris, seeing all my idols at once and SEEING THE MOST IMPORTANT BAND IN MY LIFE NOW! Which never happened to me, I've really never seen any of my fave bands before and I can't be happier that it was SHINee of them all ;~~~~;
Okay, Luna kinda cockblocks on the last one but IT'S JONGKEY HERE ON MY OWN PICS ASDFHLLJJSHJHA /LIFE COMPLETE!!!!!!! TTTTTATTTTT
Btw. that oh so proclaimed bday I had the next day, lol I really almost forgot about it! xD Also, I cried a little in the morning, and then later on plane (when we took off the ground and weren't "connected" with boys anymore lol and the man next to me must've think I'm crazy or smth x"D)... and even now my heart beats so hard whenever I look at the pics TAT ...let alone watching fancams~ I'm still a lil' scared to watch it TAT
This fanaccount is pretty bad, I guess. I feel so much emotions but somehow I'm not really able to explain it and pass it on orz. We met many great people~ yay
eyeflower unni you were so cute!! I'm sorry we couldn't hang out a lil' more but I believe it wasn't the last time! ;~; Even at the airport and at the plane back to Czech Republic we met some x3 I really loved how flooded with fans Paris was C': And I loved I could be a part of it.
This is how close they were!!!! TAT
Fisrt pic of Jjong was also his nicest lol
Because then he decided to be derp for the rest of the evening x"D
And here's my beloved SHINee stuff keke~ with the dino I got from
irethsingollo for Xmas ♥
PS: Guys, I'll go through all your wonderful fanaccounts later after I do some of my duties as a daughter x"D I bet yours are so much better! ♥ ILU.
PS2: Even though I hope it's evident, I just want to have it stated here - all the pics are taken by me and I hope you all understand I don't really want them spread around the net without my knowing. /they're so crappy I doubt anyone would even think of taking them, but I just want to make it clear ^^;