got tagged by
aurama_chan 1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.
So...I'mma do this, click teh ljcut
like I it )
Comments 7
billy talent roks my soks... I'm kinda having little break from my j-music (for as far that can be XD)
I'm so very sorry I can't go see his concert (and paramore to >.> which asswhole put those two concerts so close to each other...wth)
... whattha.. you don't watch Lost??? why all those but not lost?
that's just weird missy >.> I just hope you forgot to mention it (charlie's my hero)
speaking about heroes... What about the program heroes? it's feeling left out to
I would be just as bad as you in this case if only I had better internet >.> I downloaded myself to death in amersfoort ^A^
that's why I wanna go so bad, specially paramore, they rule live!
they where both playing at MCR concert.
lol XD yeah I know. when I didn't have time to watch anymore I lost the track... but I somehow pick it up...
I only saw heroes twice or something.... that japanese dude (hiro) is just to CUTE (in a geeky spassing hyper way XD)
- I'm downloading it right now :o
I now I now... I'm doin that, my computer is on day and night...
I'm downloading bleach and heroes at the moment (next to all the music).
but it's wireless and the programm makes my computer go wooej
it's sharing internet with my dad's computer so he isn't so pleased with it because it makes his pc go very slow too XDDD
I have to deselect al the episodes (in a package) and than select 5 at the time, and even than it takes like two days...
is that normal õ_o ? I really wouldn't know
Have I just caught a lurker?! ^_____^v
I'll do it later this afternoon hopefully, or tomorrow after school. ^^
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