(no subject)

Apr 19, 2007 02:31

...so Aeris is going :( at me due to lack of Zack and/or Cloud, even though I've already written the part where Cloud comes back (straight out of the ending credits, ahaha) and I was going back and filling in this one scene. Aughwhy. *sniffles*

Today I have: run around Twilight Town killing Nobodies for items and doing journal stuff. The Struggle stuff was plain sailing (full 200 every match up to Seifer), but oh wow yup I still suck at mini-games. Not as badly as the snowboarding in FF7 (total fail every. damn. time.), but despite having made it to 200 on the ball thing once before I couldn't get past 45 today. :< The worst minigames ever are in FFX-2, though, with the lightning tower calibration games. I sort of have critical fail on telling left from right; it's always a conscious process of oh hey, this hand is the left one. Flashing boxes telling me to hit L1 and R1 defeat me. *facepalm*

I have also: finished Mideel in FF7. Which would be the Inside Cloud's Head scenes. :( It seems like every time I play through that I like game/pregame-Tifa less, which bothers me even though know it's part of her development - she grows up a hell of a lot through the timeline. I feel like I ought to like her because I do in AC. :|

Also I forgot you have to fight the Ultimate WEAPON before the Lifestream part. Oops.

fic babbling, not a gamer, ffvii, kh

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