Im alive

Oct 16, 2015 11:12

Hi all. I think i caught up on everyones week. U may have to go back some to read my comments.

Thank u for all of ur comments on my last post.  It means a ton.  We found out on Wed that Kason has 4 rare chromosonal errors. Unless ur a pro at bio or genetics none of it would intetest you.  He has a syndrome which explains why he has adhd, autism and ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

sherihamer October 16 2015, 17:17:57 UTC
I am sorry Leah!! Just know it all interest me because it has to do with you and your my friend and I care!! I like to understand what things my friends are going through with different areas of their lives. Well lets look at Declan at 50% not at risk too!! SO yeah!! I am praying for you all lots!!! Pleas be careful with the poor decissions even though they are thrilling and fun a lot of times they come with issues that we don't need or want. Just know I am always here for you and will continue to pray and be here to listen to you!!! Big huge hugs to you!!


heatherrawrs October 16 2015, 17:18:36 UTC
I always say this....I can't imagine. You are the strongest, bravest mom I know.


carorules October 16 2015, 17:23:25 UTC
I'm glad to read that you are all safe. This is all so much info to process but you are not alone and you are the strongest women I know. You always do your best and this is enough.


nicenicegirl October 16 2015, 17:59:41 UTC
that is a lot to take in. you are doing a really great job at dealing with it, you really are. you are one of the best mothers i know. not many would be able to deal like you are, even if it seems like you're not dealing.

i don't think it's wrong or bad to feel like you need to get away. maybe try planning something just for yourself. a long weekend? even if it's not far from home, just something to get you away and your mind off things for a while?

i'm here if you need to talk!


thespacingguild October 16 2015, 18:33:56 UTC
When it comes to your kids, like I always say, I always feel silly offering too much advice because what in the world do I know about such things, me not being a parent, after all. But I suppose it must be nice to at least KNOW what's going on medically; as in actually having a name to go with it. But yeah...the idea of being a research topic for a bunch of doctors would make me kind of iffy too. does sound like you are starting to feel like the pressure of it all is your burden alone, which is sad; because it shouldn't be that way.

I can't speak for everyone, but I feel safe in saying that there's no judging on your journal. plus I can't help but want to know what the "poor decisions" are that are so "thrilling and fun." haha. You don't make it sound half bad. haha. Most times for me, an example of that would be eating a whole bag of Doritos in one setting. haha. :)


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thespacingguild October 17 2015, 01:14:45 UTC
haha...a perfect example of a poor decision that feels SOOOOOO good. haha. Cool ranch!


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