So while I'm waiting for the website to transfer to the new IP address tomorrow, and the post office and banks are closed anyway, I think I'm going to do some fiction writing
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Speaking of fiction, I just blew through the entire "Miss Fisher Mysteries" over the weekend. And now I'm looking to see if my library has any of the books--which they do, in audio format. Which is probably good, since I didn't get anything done this weekend.
Thank you for enabling my addiction to fun/interesting murder mysteries.
OMG yes! I blew through them all in two days only because I held back. I subscribed to their Facebook page and now I keep getting teasers for the next episode (it airs on Friday nights). And there are links to ABC Australia, but you have to be in Australia to watch (anyone want to lend me a VPN?) So frustrating! I found season 2 on iTunes, but I really can't go paying $4 per episode. I'm kinda surprised no one has posted them on YouTube yet, but I'll keep searching. The Season Two DVD is already out in Australia. But I know we just got Season One on Netflix, so it'll probably be a year before we see more episodes. =(
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Thank you for enabling my addiction to fun/interesting murder mysteries.
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