San Diego Comic con

Jul 31, 2007 11:14

Under this cut are my peeektures from SDCC.

Devil's Due booth

The view of the bay from our room

Susan and I decorated our room with free posters:

My pirate ship, docked outside the hotel

Just having my morning coffee, nothing out of the ordinary


Look! a jobless gold hot pants

Pedicab ride! (bike taxi)

Me and Ox the ugly doll (check out my sweet buck teeth)

Ding ding!

Crossing a san diego street....takes forever

Josh, after a long day of working


MMmmm Jose and Rev scored some donuts.

Sith in the batmobile

The real darth vader helmet

Tiny jedi we helped get into the con

My marker robo tattoo

Susan gettin' some tail

Susan with her makeup done eating some chinese before going to X-sanguin, all sexy no MSG

Eyepatch photo before going to X-sanguin

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