Haha suckers.
Age: 22
Birthday: December 22nd
Screen Name: Kassu aka QQJJz
Meaning: ...means I am original and dont use names from movies like alot of tools do.
Siblings: bitch please one of me is bad enough
Pets: snake, cat, dog...but the cat is really a person..and isnt mine..
Height: 5' 11
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brownish red
Writing Hand: Right
Do you bite your nails? among other things
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? yea
Can you blow smoke rings? no...but if you smoke in my house Ill kill you...in your sleep.
Can you blow spit bubbles? Can you masturbate with your foot? what a fucking stupid question.
Can you flare your nostrils? Why? what am I a fucking cartoon?
Can you cross your eyes? sober or drunk?
Tattoos? 0...for now.
Piercing? 1...for now.
Do you make your bed daily? I hate my bed...and I hate you.
What goes on first, underwear or socks? The relevent question is what comes off first?
Which shoe goes on first? Fuck you
What jewelry do you wear 24/7? Piercings...natrually asshole.
What's sexiest on a girl? Nothing
What's sexiest on a guy? a toe tag
Favorite Piece of Clothing: girls thongs? or do you mean shit I wear? Be more thorough next time fucker.
Pajamas: ...are for the weak.
Have you ever eaten Spam? I probably have..it comes in many forms..even under different food types..and names..
Favorite Ice Cream? creamesicles. Use your imagination.
How many cereals in your cabinet? I dont eat cereal.
What utensils do you use to eat pizza? im a sissy white boy and eat it with a fucking fork and knife. What a fucked up question.
How often do you brush your teeth? enough..kinda obsessive aren't you?
How often do you shower/bathe? why gonna steal my shit when im in the shower? fuck you
How long does your shower last? 5 mins...10 and im dressed.
Hair drying method? towl
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? yea...it was gay too.
If that fountain of youth existed, would you drink it? drink it..then sell its location.
Would you rather have genital herpes or be 50 lbs. overweight? i cant gain wait...and herpes...its visually displeasing to me. that and it has no use for me unless i fucked someone i hated..but then again if i was 50 lbs overweight i'd never score. You are a fucking moron for asking this quesion.
Do you swear? fuck you cock sucker.
Do you ever spit? what am I a fucking camal? go take a hike you piece of shit.
Animal: ride the snake
Food: Chinese, pizza, general italian, women
Month: dont care
Day: Any day that does not include the word "day" in it
Cartoon: Tom and Jerry
Flower: cactus...i guess..it is universally known for its thorns yet people still get poked by them all the time. this place is full of fucking morons..and you are one.
Shoe Brand: Any shit that doenst invovle the actual shoe being made in some other country for 10 dollars and sold here for 150 aka Nike
Subject in school: I hate school
Color: Red black green blue...what I cant have more than one? fuck my dick you fuck off.
TV show: I dont watch TV
Movie: The Long Kiss Goodnight
Holiday: any thing that is "socially acceptable' to get liquored up on..which is all of them..then again i dont give a fuck what is socially acceptable or not. fuck you again by the way.
Vacationing Spot: Somewhere away from people.
TV Station: Fuck TV
The CD Player: Its broken.
Ever taken a cab: I can drive thank you.
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? i dont have time for that shit.
What color is your bedroom? brown..like shit..cause that is what this place is.
Do you use an alarm clock? I pretend to
Name one thing you are obsessed with: Killing people I hate
Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex? Yea...I lost count
Ever sunbathed nude? I have a tan..i dont need that shit.
Window seat or aisle? window. If we are going down id like to know how much time i have to think of a way not to die with a plane full of morons.
What's your sleeping position? on bottom
What kind of bed do you like? anything but this water bed shit i have now
Do you snore? how the fuck do i know..im fucking asleep you piece of shit
Do you sleepwalk? See above ass fuck.
Do you talk in your sleep? ...See above...again...
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals? No I sleep with women..get the hint yet? no means no.
Apples or Oranges? what makes a better weapon?
One pillow or two? i dont care...i dont sleep much anyway
Deaf or blind? how about neiter?
Pools or hot tubs? both
Blondes or brunettes? red heads
TV or radio? neither..you dont seem to get it..
Snooze button or jump out of bed? I use my radio remote..called a rock
Sunrise or Sunset? Neither...I dont like the sun..at all..
Hamburger or Cheeseburger? "Hamburgers" dont exist to me without cheese.
Morning or night? I hate the sun...as I said before stupid ass.
Indoors or outdoors? both and neither. You figure it out.
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? day after. I love to see those fucking idiots at the mall returning gifts cause their friends and family dont seem to realize its not the right fucking gift that matters. Some times i honestly wonder why people still exist. fucking idiots.
Cake or ice cream? Cake cant be used in sexual ways like ice cream can.
Spicy or Mild? Spicy..im no pussy..pussy.
Spearmint or Peppermint? its a flavor. it has a taste.
Call or Write? both...im not half assed either.
Green or Red apples? this is like comparing apples to...apples.
Rain or Snow? Snow tends to cause more wrecks around here...maybe some of those idiots returning gifts will die or something.