~BSG: Second Dance Chance

Aug 05, 2010 11:54

Title:  Second Dance Chance
Author:  kastari
Summary:  A man who dances has his choice of romances.  ~Unknown   
Characters:  Adama/Roslin
Time Frame:  “Unfinished Business;” Founder’s Day on New Caprica
Rating:  T
Word Count:  200 
Author’s Note:  Written for the 20th ar_drabbles challenge.  Fill in the blanks & write a ‘missing scene.’
Disclaimer:  I’m just playing in Universal’s sandbox.

Second Dance Chance

“You say this stuff grows around here?”

“Mm-hmm.  In the mountains north of here there's this little stream that comes down into this lake.  The water is so clear it's like looking through glass.  I'm thinking of building a cabin.”

He finished his joint.  “That’s good.”

She finished hers.  “Mmm, it is good.”

The sound of music and laughter filled the air.

He was dizzy with the thought of her.

“So, you wanna go to a real party?”

She raised a questioning eyebrow.

“Come on.”


“Come with me.”

He grabbed her hand, pulling her with him.

“What?  Bill…Bill wait!”

He led her up the stairs.

They stood on the wooden platform facing each other, the celebration rollicking around them.

“I can’t do this.”

“We’re gonna have to get a little bit closer.  Like this.” Taking her right hand in his left, his other slid around to the small of her back.  Their bodies pressed together.  It was an electrifying moment between them.

“I don’t know the steps,” she said, breathless.

He smiled at her.  “Neither do I.  Just go with it.  Don’t think.”

The steps were fast and he spun her around the dance floor.

Their laughter was music.


adama/roslin, drabble challenge, ar_drabbles, drabbles, drabble, bsg

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