Title: Cutting Corners
Author: kastari
Summary: The military was rigid. The government was a bit on the softer side.
Characters: Adama/Roslin
Rating: T
Word Count: 100
Author’s Note: Written for the 34th
ar_drabbles challenge--Canon Dialogue. Prompt: Rumors
Disclaimer: I’m just playing in Universal’s sandbox.
Cutting Corners
He stood in the bedroom, staring at the rack.
“Rumor has it that I know very little about military protocol, but I do know about sleep-over etiquette,” she said. “The last one in the rack makes it. I did.”
He grunted.
“What’s wrong with the bed?”
“The corners. They’re not tucked in properly. And the pillows are all wrong.”
She snorted. “You’re not serious, are you?”
“You were never a cadet at the Academy. You’d be busted in a heartbeat.”
She saluted. “Sir, yes, Sir! Please tell me you’re not considering bouncing a cubit off it.”
Hand. Pocket. Coin. Freeze.