Title: Midnight Caller
Author: kastari
Summary: They found each other over the airwaves.
Characters: Adama/Roslin
Rating: T
Word Count: 200
Author’s Note: Written for the 46th
ar_drabbles challenge. Prompt: Power
Additional Note: Obviously au. And I shamelessly borrowed from “The Fischer King.”
Disclaimer: I’m just playing in Universal’s sandbox.
Midnight Caller
He stared at the silver microphone.
The neon sign ‘ON AIR’ glowed red.
It was time.
With the flip of a switch, the theme song of his late night talk radio show bled into the night.
I’ve got the power hey yeah hey
I’ve got the power
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh yeah-eah-eah-eah-eah-eah
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh yeah-eah-eah-eah-eah-eah
I’ve got the power
I’ve got the power
Under the cover of darkness, he ruled the airwaves.
"This is Bill Adama spending the night with you on Caprica."
She turned up the volume and smiled. She loved the sound of his voice. And spending her nights with him.
“Nietzsche said there are two kinds of people in the world. People who are destined for greatness and the rest of us. Who are you?”
He waited.
The phone line winked.
“I’m destined for greatness.”
It was her.
He smiled. She called every night. He loved the sound of her voice. “I’m bungled and botched.”
She snorted. He was an honest man. And well read. She liked that. “I thought you had the power.”
He laughed. “If I did, I’d know your name.”
She paused. “Laura.”
Laurel tree. Prize. Leader of the group. Beautiful heroic girl.
He was in love.