Title: Carry On
Author: kastari
Summary: There is a limit for everything. Except love.
Characters: Adama/Roslin, Eileen Roslin
Rating: T
Word Count: 300
Author’s Note: Written for the 51st
ar_drabbles challenge. Prompt: Write a fic set in sickbay. This drabble also works for the 45th
ar_drabbles challenge. Prompt:
bugsfic's heart’s desire-a fic from Laura’s POV, pre- or post-sexy times, going into detail of why she finds Bill attractive: physically, intellectually, both.
Additional Note: I took the liberty of naming Laura’s mother.
Disclaimer: I’m just playing in Universal’s sandbox.
Carry On
“I haven’t finished packing. I don’t have room for everything. I’m going to forget something, Mama. I’m not ready.”
Her voice was panicked.
“Shhh,” her mother soothed, brushing her fingertips softly over her daughter’s bald head. “Just like when you were born,” she whispered.
Eileen Roslin smiled.
“You don’t need to pack, Laura. It’s not about having enough room or what you think you’re going to forget. It’s about what you choose to remember. Everything you take you will carry with you right here.” Laura’s mother placed her hand gently over her daughter’s heart. “And despite popular belief, darling, no one is ever ready.” She squeezed her daughter’s hand. “Tell me what is it that you love about him?”
Laura took a deep, steadying breath and met her mother’s questioning gaze.
“The way he looks at me. I love his smile, and the sound of his voice. That he shares his books and his home with me. His smell. His laugh. The squeeze of his hand. His crooked teeth, wavy hair, weathered face, and blue eyes.” She smiled. “How spiffy he looks in his dress grays and duty blues. He has a nice ass, Mama.”
Her mother snorted.
“He puts the seat down, never complains when I’ve used all the hot water showering first, and lets me put my cold feet on him in bed. How he spoons and pulls me close. His touch. The way he runs his hands through my hair…” Her voice broke.
Restless, she stirred.
In the dim light of sickbay, he sat beside her bed.
“Shhh,” he soothed, brushing his fingertips softly over her bald head. Carefully, he re-tied the green scarf that had slipped off. “I’m here,” he said quietly. “I will always be right here.”
He placed his hand gently over her heart.