Title: Ethics
Author: kastari
Summary: Privileged information is a heavy load to bear.
Characters: Adama/Roslin, Cottle, Ishay
Rating: T
Word Count: 200
Author’s Note: Written for the 57th
ar_drabbles challenge. Prompt: Season One setting. Thanks to
redrockcan for the idea. And the usual suspects for always ‘voting.’
Additional Note: Layne Ishay had to be somewhere before she was introduced to us in Season Two. She was on Galactica from the beginning. We just never saw her until ‘Scattered.’
Disclaimer: I’m just playing in Universal’s sandbox.
“Office of the President, how may I assist you?”
It was the boy. Again. Every time he wanted to contact the president, Billy the kid answered the comm. Didn’t she ever answer her own phone?
“This is the commander.”
“Sir!” her aide replied. “The president is currently on board Galactica, sir!”
“Galactica? I don’t have any scheduled meeting on my calendar.”
“No, sir. She has an appointment with Dr. Cottle.”
“The president was here?” Bill asked his CMO.
Cottle grunted.
“He needs to know.”
“Ishay!” Cottle shot a warning glare at the young medic.
“He should know.” Ishay held Cottle’s angry stare a moment then stood down. “Commander.” With a polite nod, she moved to another patient.
“I should know what?”
It was obvious that his friend’s concern for Roslin strayed a bit over the line of professionalism. Cottle lit a cigarette. “If we were in a court room and you practiced law, you could subpoena me.”
“Doctor-patient confidentiality isn’t based on law.”
“No, it’s not. It’s based on trust. If you want to know what’s going on in her personal life, you’re going to have to grow a pair and ask her.” Cottle crushed out his cigarette.