Title: No Goodbyes
Author: kastari
Pairing: Adama/Roslin
Summary: Laura and Bill struggle with the reality of her impending death.
Rating: T
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: I’m just playing in Universal’s sandbox.
No Goodbyes
“Are you scared?” He knew she was; he had asked her before.
She took a deep breath. “Yeah.”
“Me, too.” He paused. “I don’t want you to go.” His voice trembled.
“I know. I’m sorry. I wish I could stay.” Her hazel eyes sparkled with tears.
“I’ll try to be okay; make you proud.” Tears blinded him.
“Build our cabin?” she asked softly.
He took a deep breath. “Yeah.”
“I’ll be there, you know.”
“I know.”
“I waited my whole life to find you, too,” she whispered. Her eyes held his. “No goodbyes.”
“No,” he said quietly. “Just good memories.”