1. What did you do in 2019 that you'd never done before?
Experienced my first heartbreak (by meeting someone who was essentially my ideal appearance-wise and intellectually, but turned out to have some extremely unnecessary avoidant-attachment tendencies, which made for an extremely unpleasant experience for me); tried dating more guys in parallel (conclusion: not for me); set foot in Yantai, China, for a business trip; bought a lock-pick set and began learning how to pick locks; started to keep a manual journal with my non-dominant hand; kept track of caloric/nutritional intake for about a month or so (and then gave up because it was time/mental energy consuming, and frankly unnecessary); saw Trevor Noah and Ali Wong live; make matcha crepe cakes (22 layers babyyyy), matcha agar, matcha mochi with matcha lotus seed paste filling, and matcha almond flour pancakes.
2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Recap time:
- Get a gym membership and go to the gym at least once a week! (Or a month, goddamit, I know myself).
Didn't do this, and I don't think I ever will. Though I did exercise regularly outside during the warmer seasons. And I did start doing yoga at least a few times a week.
- Draw better MDZS fanart--none of that doodle bullshit lol
I... didn't do much art this year. No finished pieces at least. Made some decent progress with a my current goldfish piece a while after I bought new office furniture, but the motivation is reeeeaally lacking.
- Renovate my kitchen and bathrooms
I think I've stepped back from the kitchen renovation idea. Not sure if it's worth the cost/effort.
- Research more about property investments and start making Plans
Well, I am almost done with my mortgage... I guess I really should look into purchasing a small building to renovate.
For this year:
- Finish that blasted goldfish piece so I can finish my personal vanity business cards
- Finish the goddamn holiday cards. Going to basically reset the clock from odd years to even years
- Either beat Okami, or finish at least 50% of The Witcher 3 game
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Not anybody super close, but a high school friend gave birth to a second baby, as did a former law school classmate.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
5. What countries did you visit?
China, again. For what I believe has become a recurring annual business trip.
6. What would you like to have in 2020 that you lacked in 2019?
A significant other who satisfies some of my ideals and overall proves himself a worthy partner.
7. What date from 2019 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
2019/05. Not a single date, but rather a month of just... being in emotional turmoil because of Number Two. Never before have I been so infatuated with a boy. Never before had I put into so much effort into what amounted to an emotional black hole. He really was my ideal in a whole host of aspects. So it really sucks when you can't have what you want. He even had the gall to reach out again after 7 months of no contact to see if "anything remained in the rubble." No, AWC, if nothing has changed, there's no way I can interact with you again because I really wanted to have brain sex with you and that'd be unfair to me to put myself back into a situation where there's no fucking guarantee of anything coming to fruition. So I hope you do actually go through with therapy, thank you for teaching me new things, but also fuck you for not having the balls to do your own dirty work.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Keeping up the practice of writing with my non-dominant hand. Began in April, and started with pangrams, numbers. That eventually evolved into daily/semi-daily journal entries. Also completed a
ravensburger krypt puzzle (though I may have fucked up with the sealant/mounting process--mod podge is not a good puzzle glaze. Too messy orz). Also did a major cleaning after a rebound relationship in August.
9. What was your biggest failure?
Not aborting myself sooner out of the amorphous "relationship" I had going with Number Two. Jan - May, basically. Should've taken the initiative, trusted my intuition, and ended things in March, but yeah. Desperation and infatuation are ugly looks on me. But I was still the emotional equivalent of a 14 year old when it came to romance and shit like that, so what could I do. ‾\_(ツ)_/‾
There was also a super brief but shitty rebound relationship with a dude in his 30s who lived in a fucking retiree suburb. I am done with guys who can't fucking communicate.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Physically still fit.
11. What were the best things you bought?
A full set of corelle plates/bowls (both new and from goodwill). Purge my apartment of a lot of old stuff too--Mari Kondo would be proud and I am quite satisfied with finally getting my abode into the semi-minimalist state that I am most naturally comfortable in.
12. Whose behaviour merited celebration?
One of the new guys I'm seeing. When I let him know that I'm not sure I can see a long term relationship with him due to some major differences and concerns... he displayed major emotional maturity and reason/respect--to the point that actually caused me to reconsider my concerns and give whatever lies between us another chance. We'll see, come what may.
13. Whose behaviour appalled you?
All the fucking fascists who're on the rise. The next 50 years don't look too good. :\
14. Where did most of your money go?
Mortgage and stocks/investments. Wish vacation was something on this list, but I fucked up by repeating 2017 and didn't take a vacay in 2019.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
His Dark Materials on HBO and The Witcher on Netflix. Both of which were quite enjoyable and didn't disappoint (much)!
16. What song will always remind you of 2019?
"You" by Marcus Warner ft. Fatma Fadel. Successfully reclaimed it as well because for a while it was the song that I listened to the most while in that emotionally turbulent phase with Number Two.
Click to view
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? Happier? 2019 ended super hectic what with preparations for 2 trials;
2020 began more decently because both trials went away in the first week.
ii. thinner or fatter? Maybe thinner, according to my mother. Don't feel all that different--just older lmao.
iii. richer or poorer? Slow accumulation of wealth.
18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
2018's answer remains applicable, ha: "Deep introspection and evaluation of certain life choices, both earlier and sooner."
19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
... goddammit, looks like 2018's developmental process really carried over to 2019: "Processing through emotions I'd never experienced before. I realize it's probably a necessary life experience, but enjoy it I did not."
20. How did you spend Christmas?
With my parents and sister in the burbs. Had previously already gifted mother with a bottle of maotai. For Xmas specifically, I gave dad a collapsible storage organizer for the back of his SUV, gave mom a L'Occident lotion set, and my sister a Biossance shower set. Grace gave me matcha nama chocolates from Royce, which were delicious.
21. Where did you ring in 2019? How will you ring in 2020?
2019: Got invited to Linda's boyfriend's former-roommate's party. It was a super fun, small, cozy gathering. Basically we drank, ate decent food, and played Codename--the adult version which required some decent amount of urban dictionary knowledge--and a bunch of Jackbox.TV games. Overall an enjoyable way to ring in the new year.
2020: Got invited to Paul's friend's party again, but decided to spend it instead with the german guy I've been seeing (the one who displayed an impressive amount of emotional maturity). We met at his place, then headed to his neighbors for drinks (gay couple, one guy who he's childhood friends with). Had two super boozy eggnoggs there, then we parted ways briefly. We headed to a mexican place across the street--and the alcohol hit me hard enough that I couldn't finish my margarita. Sobered up enough when we headed back to his place to ring in the near year. His neighbors came back to join us for champagne and we watched the smoke coming from the fireworks from his balcony.
22. Did you fall in love in 2019?
I... think so? I think I discovered that I do have an ideal and there may be people out there who can check a lot of boxes. Unfortunately, I believe those that check the most of my essential boxes also have the most unfortunate personality traits that end up being hidden deal breakers.
23. How many one-night stands?
None, technically.
24. What was your favorite TV program?
Toss up between His Dark Materials and The Witcher--with The Witcher winning by just a bit because JASKIER. TOSS A COOOOOIN TO YOUR WIIIIITCHER O VALLEY OF PENIS PLENTY
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Not hate per se, but I am holding he who shall be named "Geneva Dude" in extreme contempt.
26. What was the best book you read?
Finished The King's Avatar. Also recently picked up the original Witcher book series and have been reading them in on/off spurts.
27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Marcus Warner's collaborations with others that feature Fatma Fadel's vocals. That combo is seriously magical.
28. What did you want and get?
Corelle dinner ware set. I wanted them and I got them for myself after ridding myself of a lot of other things.
29. What did you want and not get?
A vacation and a karaoke machine :P
Also kitchen renovations, but that's on me lol.
30. What was your favourite film of this year?
"Knives Out" was truly excellent, highly recommended.
"The Room" and "The Disaster Artist" back-to-back was an experience. Was also forced to watch "Love on a Leash" which... is also an experience.
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I... think I went to work like usual. Nothing fancy, nothing planned. Let slip to a few coworkers that it was by birthday, and we went out for ramen at Slurping Turtle (now closed though). It was very sweet of them.
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Taking a vacation. Still extremely salty over the fact that I did what I told myself I wouldn't do again in 2017, and that was not take a goddamn vacation. Also, it would've been GREAT if my phone hadn't crashed after an OS update and wiped out my Merge Dragons data.... It was like The Trail all over again. But now I am thoroughly sucked into Empires and Puzzles. Mobile games are forever rising and falling it seems.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2019?
More dress hoodies, cute summer dresses, and off-shoulder sweaters LMAO
34. What kept you sane?
For a little while, meditation, yoga, and doing that insane ravensburger puzzle. Also the new habit of writing journal entries with my left hand. Also the monthly Girls' Matcha Nights I started hosting where we make alllll the matcha desserts :)
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Henry Cavill has a pretty good face. :Db
36. What political issue stirred you the most?
Moscow Mitch and the utter shite that is the U.S. political system.
37. Who did you miss?
The me before I had to deal with dating and relationships. 'twas a simpler time back then.
38. Who was the best new person you met?
Probably the german dude.
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2019.
People can change. Yes, even you.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
"When the end is in sight / I’m on the last page with you" - You by Marcus Warner ft. Fatma Fadel
Bonus. What was your favorite moment of the year?
Random moment: Discovering the magic of Li Ziqi videos and experimenting with salted duck egg yolk sauces for various dishes. I made air-fried kabocha with salted yolk sauce for thanksgiving dinner and it turned out pretty good!