Disclaimer: if you've seen the movie and disliked it, or if you've heard just bad things about it and you feel like hating it already, I'd like to ask you to keep yourself out of this entry.
It would be the best for you, anyways; since most likely I'll be talking about things you won't want to hear. And I don't want for people to kill my excitement
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Comments 15
I have to wait for doli to get off work though which is where I'm currently at, the wait is painful. DD: THANKS I hope I can get a good seat since I'm getting there after 10 PM because that's when she gets off work. D: My city sold out in October and I had to get tickets for the next one over, gahhh *worries*
In October?! Woooow o.o
And does that mean there are Harry/Hermione moments? becauseitotallyshipit :D
Good luck on getting those tickets ^^'
Ha ha yeah, I probably won't have much luck, but at least I'll have all of Thanksgiving break to watch it?
Also lol @ your mom! Of course it's a completely different thing! HP has to be seen ASAP >.< There is always a lot of people in costume, I just took my Gryffindor coat and scarf. :D Hopefully next year I can wear robes~
I know people may be upset with that, but at the end of things, that's not going to change the way the movie's going to end. So, why not allowing us a little bit of fanservice, I wouldn't complain x'DDDD
My mom can't fathom the idea of what means being a fan u.u She's too practica, she can't get passionate for something...anyways, dad's pretty much okay with the idea of taking us to the midnight showing for DH2. And I'm so going to wear robes, even though I know my mom will complain x'D
I'm glad to hear that you loved the movie though - I don't want to raise my expectations up too high but eee it's the last book and I can't help loving the darker and more mature feel the story takes. Thank goodness they went with splitting the last book into two movies instead of trying to cram everything in one go, but the Malfoy manor chapter! Arghhh cliffhanger!
Can't wait to see this ♥
I hope you've watched the movie at this point :O I always suggest to people who've usually not enjoyed the movies to keep their expectations low, but in all honesty, I've yet to find someone who disliked it. Actually, everybody loved it; including those ones who usually dislike the Harry Potter movies!
So I really hope you can enjoy it too :)
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