Title: Tokyo Shinjuu
Genre: AU, Romance/Fluff, Drama/Angst
Chapters: 02/?
Characters: ReitaxRuki, AoixRuki (later), Uruha, Kai
Author: Moi (kasumikinss)
Rating: PG-13 - NC-17
Warnings: Uh, major fluffage?
Disclaimer: I own no one.
Comments: Okay, solike, I obviously got tired of writing 14 pages for each chapter, sooo... xD I think I'll stick with
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Comments 31
Haha, I don't mind if you comment or not. xD It's fine and dandy.
But awww. n.n; Thank you~
I shall try! to update soon. C:
While reading this (and the first chapter also) I was smiling like a brainless fangirl all the time XD.
Ruki is so adorable, damn. There aren't enough words to describe him in this fic. I just want to pick him, press him into a tight hug and never let him go XD *daydreams*.
And Rei... he is such a sweetie <3.
This is probably my favorite story right now XD.
Don't worry, I'm also lazy as hell XD.
Sorry the long comment I just can't help myself XD.
A lot of cookies for you <3.
:D Haha, I try, I try, to make him as adorable as possible. Guess I'm doin' pretty good with that. ;]
But Reita automatically turns out as a sweetheart. xD Guess it's cause of Ruki.
Anyway! It's nice to know I'm not the only massively lazy person around here. (:
Favorite story? XD Nu-uh! ...Awwwyay. n.n
I really love this fic. <3
it's so cute ~
(The comment has been removed)
XD; I had to laugh at that too, even though I wrote it.
Rofl, you actually counted for me! :D That's not geekiness, that's like total coolness. XD Thanks!
You have NO idea HOW LONG ive been waiting for an update for this story!! D: I am IN LOVE with this fic and your writing!!!! thank you so much for writing this because it jst means alot and your writing is just so gorgeous and I LOVE IT! :DD
will be waiting for the next update! :3 ♥ ♥ ♥
I'll try my best to update sooner this time! xD I can't make promises, trust me, even though I have a feeling it'll be soon. C:
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