So, about that tidal wave rising up against the government...

May 18, 2010 22:50

Hmmmm...there's is, if Chris Matthews is to be believed, an anti-establishment mood to tonight's primaries.

Okay, so Randroid Paul won the GOP Senate nomination in KY over Mitch McChinless's hand-picked candidate. But the outgoing incumbent, Hall of Famer Jim Bunning (1 of 19 men to throw a perfect game), endorsed Randroid, so he wasn't free of insider-stink. And the two establishment Democrats running in that primary BOTH drew more votes than Randroid, who suddenly has become McChinless's bestest-bud.

Sestak v. Specter - well, you had a sitting Congressman against a sitting Senator. The senator crossed over to the Democratic Party thinking he had a better shot winning that primary than the GOP primary. But instead he lost a former admiral who is currently in the Congress. So, yeah, not the incumbent, and not the one with the party behind him, but by no means an "outsider".

Lincoln v. Halter and "that other guy" in Arkansassy - Last check had Lincoln well ahead, and possibly looking at getting the 50% she needs to avoid a run-off primary. Nice rejection of the incumbent-supported-by-the-establishment there. We'll get Republican-Lite v. Republican in Razorback Country in the fall. Oh joy.

PA-12 special election to fill Jack Murtha's unexpired term - The Democrat, who was Murtha's long-time top aide is winning pretty handily against the Republican, 53-45. And this is a Democratic district that voted for Kerry in 2004, but for McCain in 2008 -- the only district that flipped from D to R in the last presidential campaign.

All that tonight's results prove is that politics are rarely as nationalized as the talking-heads try to make them out to be. The 12th District voted for a guy who they felt could best represent them because he was "in the fight" for a number of years as Murtha's aide. The PA Democrats choose the Senate candidate who hadn't spent all but the last year and half of the past 30-some years as a Republican. The Arkansas Democrats are nearly evenly split between an incumbent senator and the current Lieutenant Governor of their state, and it's only the presense of a third candidate that may prevent a clear 50%+ victor. Kentucky Democrats were nearly evenly split between two state executive officers for their Senate nomination.

Where is the anti-establishment mood? Especially when the Democrats have won EVERY SPECIAL ELECTION for the House seat in the last 7, going back to before the 2008 presidential election. I'm sorry, but there's really nothing to these paid analysts and their pronouncements of incumbent doom-and-gloom.

idiots, politics, pundits

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