Grimm Drabble: Solstice Wreath

Sep 19, 2016 18:04


Title: Solstice Wreath
Author: kat_lair/ Mistress Kat
Fandom: Grimm
Pairing: Nick/Monroe
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: Not mine, only playing

Summary: The wreath was on the door when Monroe got home.

Author notes: pushkin666 and I wrote ficlets to same fandom and prompt (for this one the prompt was ‘bonding’)

The wreath was on the door when Monroe got home: a large circle of mistletoe and heartease, with roses woven in like blood-red berries amidst the green. He stared at it for a long time, breathing in the heavy, dark scent that seemed to seep right through his skin, into his very marrow.

It was a Solstice Wreath. For intention and transformation, a question only Wesen kind would even know how to ask.

Wesen and perhaps someone with a trailer full of Wesen lore…

Monroe inhaled again. Under the rich forest smell of the wreath, another, more familiar scent lingered.


grimm, my fanfiction

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