I love the early mornings, and especially summer early mornings. My honeysuckle is blooming, so everytime I step out the door on to the deck I can smell the lovely scent of the 4 honeysuckle vines... last year I only had 2 good sized vines, but now I have 4 of them.... if you dig a hole and put in some potting mixture and bury the end of a vine
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Comments 12
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockle shells
And pretty maids in a row.
hmmm.. and as to shells... Petoskey stones mixed in with the rocks I have around the flowers have shells in them....
And as to maids.... I have " old maids tears " it will have very pretty purple flowers on it when it blooms... and Bleeding heart will have some pink flowers..... looking forward to those blooming ...
Robins are enjoying a taste of summer, I see them hopping around hunting the wild strawberries that are getting ripe now ...
Wild buttercup and daisies are springing up all over too ....
Soon a few Blackeye Susans should make an appearance ...
You have a WONDERFUL day too!!!
Dang... some of those birds can be very insistant ... I wonder if I really want to know what they are saying... though it would be interesting to have a bird language translator so you could understand what all the sounds mean ...... unless they are swearing a blue streak... then I might have to sprinkle some soap around the yard for them to wash their beaks out with... LOL....
but, in the early morning hours I can see both the sun and the moon... the moon to the West and the Sun coming up in the East.... the best of both worlds.... Twilight and the dawning of a brand new day ... or Night person and Morning person ... LOL
A couple of nights ago the fireflies were playing hide and seek around the two maple trees that I planted some violets under... I think they were sipping the water I had just sprinkled on the violets....
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