So it's been awhile since I last posted anything and I figured I should post a status update for my LJ only crowd. Here's the 411 on dear, sweet...not quite
Since the beginning of October, I have been living with Tina and Michael. They are totally incredible and I am so lucky they have allowed me to live with them. I am still trying to rebuild my life and think I might be slowly finding a base.
I'm half way through my first semester in college and I think I might be doing okay. two of my classes I'm definitely positive about. The third I knew I was going to have trouble in; I just hope I can manage to pass it so I don't have to take it again. That would seriously suck! I haven't signed up for next semester yet. I don't think I can until it get s closer. From what I've heard, you have to pay for the class and then when the loan money comes in, you reimburse yourself. If I had money to pay for classes, I wouldn't NEED a loan. What is the point of aid if it doesn't aid me when I need it? I don't want to get stuck in random classes. I need to make sure I can get the right ones at the right time.
As for my job...I stayed at the place I was working eventhough I've moved across town. I'm now driving 30 miles to get to a job that pays me $7.00/hour. This gig sucks. Let's think about this...I make $10 more an hour now than when I started. It cost me $35 to fill up my tank and I do that once a week.Next Wednesday, I'm supposed to be getting promoted to Shift Manager. My Store Manager tells me the raise that will accompany my new position will be about $.50. That will not be sitting well with me. If this company seriously thinks that I'm going to be in charge of employees, inventory, money and service for that insulting of an amount, they are absolutely out of their minds.
Here are the good things I've gotten out of my job lately: They did pay for me to take a ServSafe Certification Test. It's a test given by the Department of Health which certifies that I'm aware of proper procedure to prevent food-bourne illnesses. I can take this certification to any restaurant or caterer and it should help me get hired. I will be taking the promotion for at least two weeks. I figure once I'm management, it would look better on an application to get hired somewhere closer to home.
But I need to find a job that pays me ALOT more. I have done nothing to prepare for my trip next year and I have to get started on that. I need to pay for registrations, hotels, plane tickets, food would be nice once I'm there and any other random expense I run into. But I can't do that making anything less than $12/hour. I am expensive, damn it, but I deserve it. And I promised ny son I would come see him anyway. The fact that two of my cons are in Cali too, is just a double bonus.
And not that anyone is seriously interested, but I'm going to say it anyway. I'm single. I have no prospects and no interests. And if any of you read my Facebook blog, you will remember that I mentioned that most males I have any interest in eventually turn gay. And if you need confirmation of this fact: Dan Radcliffe has publicly stated if he was gay or a woman, he would all over his co-star from the play that portrays the horse Nugget in a second. I'm not tempting Fate people. The dream is over. I am abstinent from this day on. I will have no part in scaring men away from women. Not that I have anything against those who prefer to live alternatively, I encourage it if that is what makes you happy. I just don't want to be the driving force behind anyone starting to think about it. That's not really a title I'm after, ya know. "And the award for The Woman Who Has Turned More Straight Men Gay and More Lesbian Woman Straight goes to..." Yeah, not something I want to win, thanks anyway.
So now you all know. This is me. I'm proud to be a lifetime Potter-holic, proud to be a reader of books instead of a watcher of TV, proud to be me just as I am. I know I'm not the prettiest thing out there (I think ALo might be, though{wink,wink}), but I like me. I like my bushy eyebrows and my non-made up face; I like my too big clothes and my four pairs of shoes (BTW, that's all I own besides a pair of sneakers); I like my wild hair and will color it someday, but only because I agree I'm too young to be gray. If you don't like me as I come, too bad for you. I'm not changing for anyone. Take it or leave it, folks. But I plan to fully enjoy the ride life is about the throw me on. Hope you will come along on the journey.