Let me just preface this post be stating that if you don't agree with the idea of past lives and reincarnation, you will probably not want to read any further.
Someone once told me that if there is a period, or event, in history which you find interesting, chances could be that you might have lived back in that time. I personally believe that each soul is given a lesson to learn. And that soul will return to existence time and time again until it has learned the lesson it was charged to learn. Once the task is completed, the soul is able to move on. On to what, I haven't quite figured out yet. Each soul's lesson is different; and it can take just a few years to learn the lesson, or it can take a few thousand.
I don't exactly know what my lesson is that I am supposed to learn. I'm not sure if any of us are made aware of what it is. I think we might try to alter the course of life which the Fates already laid out for us at the time of our creation. When I was younger, I had this dream that I wouldn't live to see my 22nd birthday. Guess that dream was wrong seeing as I am still here. I had thought that my purpose in existing was to positively influence the future and I would be free to leave this round of my soul's journey when I did so. When I had my son, I was sure he was the reason I had been kept around. With his birth, I effected the future of this world in a positive way. I set back out into life at peace with the fact that I would soon be dying. My job was done here, I would move along. As my birthdays continue to come and pass, I wonder more and more, 'Just what is my purpose in the life? What was I sent here to do?'
The point of this is that I earlier today I was looking back over my past lives. My joy is that I can remember some of them. My sorrow is that the memories go quite far back. Here is what I remember:
1) In the Middle Ages of European history, I was the daughter of a lord. I remember living in a castle and my balcony looked out into the forest. I was young, maybe thirteen or fourteen. But in those times, even the daughter or a lord was married off young despite her age. I knew my father was in talks with a few men who were interested in taking me as their wife. I hated the idea of being sold off to someone I didn't truly care about or love. I wanted to be free. At night, I would sit out on the balcony and just look up at the Heavens, praying to God to save me from my fate. One night, I heard music. I saw a young man standing between the castle and the forest. He was playing his instrument and looking right up at me. Night after night, he would return and play for me. During this time, my father had reached an agreement with one of the men who had sought my hand in marriage. The night before I was supposed to be wed, I climbed out my window and ran off with my minstrel. My memory ends there.
2) During the 1840's in South Carolina, I was an elderly black man living on a large plantation. I was in my late forties and I had been a slave since birth. I had been allowed a wife and had at least four or five children. They had all lived to adulthood and I was a relatively happy man. My master had always treated us well. He only disciplined us when we had truly been wrong. Just after the Emancipation Proclamation had been signed, I was sitting in our shack outside of the main house on the plantation grounds. My grandchildren were playing on the floor in front of me and I was smiling. Happy to be alive and have my family with me.
3) In the late 1960's, I was a sixteen year old white girl living in an American city. It was the middle of the civil rights movement and I was at a protest. I was on the side fighting for equal rights. I didn't think it fair that people were treated differently just because they didn't look the same as me. It started as a peaceful march, but violence broke out, the police got involved and it just got worse. I was struck in the back of my head by a heavy pipe and I fell down to the sidewalk. With everything else going on, I went unnoticed and died.
4) I was a resident of Salem, Massachusetts during the witch trials. Whether I was a witch or just an average citizen, I don't know. All I do know, is that the wretched ingrates who pretended to 'possessed by the Devil' were lying. I heard them carrying on one day after the trials. They were trying to decided who would be accused next. I do know I made to through to the end of the trials without being accused myself.
I want to know if any else has had memories like this come to them. Do you believe in past lives? Have you caught glimpses of another lifetime? Tell me your story.