Laying in bed.
Watching some TV. Not tired yet, so why bother trying to sleep.
See something move across covers. Start to get ever so slightly freaked out. Second-guess self, jump up and shake covers to see if anything comes out.
Roach falls onto mattress and scuttles to the floor.
No big deal. I lived in Alabama. I know roaches.
Throw crap off of bed, pull mattress up to search for the offending beetle.
Finally see it run off across the floor to wall. Move some boxes around to get to it.
Move sewing box up against the wall aside, find BIGGEST FUCKING SPIDER I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY GODDAMN LIFE.
Start hyperventilating and losing it and fall over self getting to cellphone to call dad and sob into the phone for him to help me kill it because I can't even get near it without starting to lose eyesight and basic motor skills.
I was seriously about to pass out.
Start freaking out, throw self on couch and curl up into a whimpering heap, crying and screaming and generally not being entirely sane.
Roach is still in here somewhere.
Spider is dead, to say the least.
I have officially stripped almost everything out of my room.
I'm working on my AV corner, with all my wires and electronics.
That was the last place I saw the roach.
Definitely not going to sleep tonight.
P.S. fuck all you people who have ever fucking laughed at me for being arachnophobic. I'm gonna figure out what your fucking phobias are and make you go through this kind of bullshit, and then we'll see who's laughing.