Jack Harkness Crossover Ficathon Masterlist.

Sep 30, 2006 14:28

This is the masterlist for the Jack Harkness Crossover Ficathon. Thank you to those who took part - you've all been awesome, and I can't wait to give a read of some of these!

_archaicangel_ wrote for everysingleway

_bounce_ wrote for urbanfae

cherryice wrote for fluffyllama (delayed, with permission)

chicafrom3 wrote Green Flying Saucers And Blue Time Machines (crossover with Hitchhikers' Guide) for wishfulaces

doyle_sb4 wrote The Fate Of The Earth Depends On It, Probably (crossover with Black Books) for mythverdandi

everysingleway wrote for kataclysmic (delayed, with permission)

fluffyllama wrote for cherryice (delayed, with permission)

goldatamera wrote There Was A Man (crossover with CSI:NY) for nigaeli

kataclysmic wrote for miladygrey (delayed, as I am a terrible, terrible person)

livii wrote Games Of Skill and Chance (crossover with Harry Potter) for goldatamera

miladygrey wrote for tellitslant

mythverdandi wrote A Man About Townsville (crossover with Powerpuff Girls) for plsteward

niqaeli wrote for wildecate

PLSteward wrote for settiai

settiai wrote for bytheseaside

scribewraith wrote for livii

xwingace wrote Another Time, Another Place (crossover with Angel) for _archaicangel_

tellitslant wrote for chicafrom3

Tres_Mechante wrote for scribewraith

urbanfaye wrote Chance Meetings, Unusual Adventures (crossover with Supernatural) for _bounce_

wildecate wrote Browning 3456 (crossover with CSI: Miami) for Tres_Mechante

wishfulaces wrote [the other side of the sky] (crssover with Sandman) for doyle_sb4

jmtorres wrote for xwingace

jackharknessficathon, crossovers, doctorwho, fic

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