Title: A Distant Star - Tenth Cycle
Summary: Two tiny lights moved together, indistinguishable from the faint stars save for the closing distance between them. Set during the New Caprica missing year.
Genre: AU? I'm keeping it within known canon, so this could have happened.
Rating: T, because they get hiiiiiiiiigh...
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"You got any more of that stuff?" Bill asked only a few streets from her tent.
Laura grinned and patted her bosom. "You got a lighter?" she replied.
At the same time, both of them dug into their respective hiding places and removed the goods. Bill watched with a raised brow and much interest as she pulled out the two spare joints she'd been holding in the tight lining of her camisole. He took one from her fingers and slid it under his nose for a torturous few seconds as he caught her eye and grinned.
She liked this Bill Adama very much.
He flicked his lighter to life and offered the flame to her first, watching intently as her cheeks hollowed three times to bring the tongue of fire into the heart of the rolled weed.
Everything she did was fascinating to him tonight.
They walked for a few minutes longer, passing one of her neighbors along the way, causing her to tuck the burning joint behind her back before giving them a polite greeting in passing. She turned to look over her shoulder to make sure the couple had moved on before giggling and bringing the joint back to her lips for another puff. Finally, they stopped in front of her tent and Bill waited for her to invite him inside. Instead, she moved gestured for him to wait outside and went into the tent, emerging a few moments later with a patchwork blanket. She handed him her joint and spread the blanket on the ground in front of her tent, then clumsily lifted a sandbag onto it. Bill made a grunt of exclamation and reached to help her, but she swatted his hand away and hefted the second bag into place beside the first.
She took her joint out of his hand and carefully lowered herself to the ground, looking back up at him. "You look confused, Bill," she said with a smirk.
"I am."
She patted the blanket beside her and reclined a bit, settling into the sandbag and shifting its mass with her arms until it formed a nice scoop to cradle her. "I won't smoke inside my tent," she explained, remembering a careless fire nearby not so long ago, "and I'm tired of walking around."
The man still looked confused.
Laura sighed and patted the blanket again. "Sit down and enjoy the night," she said quietly. "I don't think either of us are ready for it to be over. We have some catching up to do." She watched him slowly descend to the ground with the crack of age-battered limbs and puffs of exertion. He was at least two feet from her and she rolled her eyes. "You know, I won't bite," she said slyly.
Bill only flicked his eyes toward her and sighed dramatically. "Damn," he exclaimed. "That's disappointing."
She lost her composure in a fit of giggles.
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