Title: Through a Glass, Lightly: Set Asunder - Chapter Six Summary: In the aftermath of New Caprica, nothing will be the same. Genre: Alternate universe, but very familiar. Rating: T
Interesting... A definite spin on Adama the hero who saved them all from New Caprica. Instead we have a fleet of humans who don't trust that a mistake was made and their beloved Admiral landed on the planet with everyone else. Interesting... A definite spin on things..
Poor Bill. He just can't accept what's in front of him, can he? He sees it, but doesn't really see it. Good thing it's her and not him talking to him.
Blergh. I still hate Zarek, no matter what universe we have him being all whatever in. He's still Zarek! And I still don't trust him. *narrows eyes*
Oooh, this Fate thing is sounding cooler and cooler! Though I'm mostly intrigued to just see if or when head!Laura came back.
And I'm so glad to see Kara looking out for the Admiral like Lee fails to do :(. BUT AT LEAST fat!Lee is getting unfat, and not in one episode like the series XD.
Liked this chapter quite a bit! Laura and Baltar's exchange was excellent. And I liked that you pointed out the people's fraily in putting all the blame on Laura. Very nice
Caught one little error. I assumed you meant to delete the "my": "Used to go there as a kid to hide from my everyone. Might conjure up a cabin in the clearing there."
The Baltar vs Laura vs Bill thing has really come to the forefront of my mind of late. It's a bigger part of the overall story than I'd intended, but I think it's working out well.
I fixed the error...that's what I get for editing after midnight.
Comments 19
Poor Bill. He just can't accept what's in front of him, can he? He sees it, but doesn't really see it. Good thing it's her and not him talking to him.
Blergh. I still hate Zarek, no matter what universe we have him being all whatever in. He's still Zarek! And I still don't trust him. *narrows eyes*
And you saved my life, again. :)
Bill is a big woobie.
Zarek is still an ass. I've tried to think of a way to redeem him, but I keep coming back to that.
Really? Huh, interesting. I guess I'll just have to keep coming back to it when I get really confused. LOL.
I really don't think there's a way to redeem his sorry ass. Just don't.
Another wonderful chapter!
I know where I'm going with it, even if the road is bumpy and goes through the ghetto to get there....via pack mule.
And I'm so glad to see Kara looking out for the Admiral like Lee fails to do :(. BUT AT LEAST fat!Lee is getting unfat, and not in one episode like the series XD.
Fate is also fun to play with....
Caught one little error. I assumed you meant to delete the "my":
"Used to go there as a kid to hide from my everyone. Might conjure up a cabin in the clearing there."
I fixed the error...that's what I get for editing after midnight.
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