Title: Through a Glass, Lightly: Past is Prologue - Chapter One
Summary: All of this has happened before and will happen again and again until the end.
Genre: Alternate universe, but very familiar.
Rating: T
Through a Glass, Lightly: Past is Prologue - Chapter One )
Comments 33
Thank you a lot...
The future events seem promising, Ican't wait for your next update.
I'm so glad you keep writing my favorite fanfic.
I hope you had, have and will have an amazing end of year and perfect happy new year.
Hope you and yours have a lovely holiday as well ;)
You capture Cavil's ick factor so well. I just want to heave while reading Cavil's parts. And almost did when Baltar made his appearance.
Can perfectly visualize the getaway and Bill imploring Sharon not to sacrifice Hera and herself. The tempo of your work is always spot on and heart stopping.
Thanks so much.
P.S. My little Husker loved his stocking!
Yay Husker!
2. I always do a gasp/doubletake/*clickyclickyclicky* when I see this.
3.*FLAILING LIKE MAD* omgomgomgomgomgomg!
4. Moments in which it was hard to breathe from the flailing:
Bill's heart thudded painfully in his chest as he looked upward toward the crackling noise that came from hidden speakers. "Laura?" he said, unsure if she really could hear him.
"Bill?" came the breathless reply that echoed around the room.
"I have former President Adama on board my ship, as we've established," Cavil said. "I'm sure you're looking forward to reuniting with him.
Cavil you snide son of a bitch.
"Find Earth," she breathed.
OH MY DAMN. And she has a plan.
It was Sharon Agathon, carrying a bundle in her arms and walking toward what would likely be her own execution.
"No," Bill whispered, his stomach clenching in apprehension as he eyed the blanket-wrapped shape.I was literally like: "wait, WTF?!?! NOOOO! Hold up somethings about ( ... )
Cliffhangers. I loves them. That's how I know when to end a chapter....and this one actually was supposed to end totally differently, but I changed it up at the end. Natch.
Damn. Just damn. This = favorite story ever!
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