Hurrr.. I've heard so much bad about this book; never read the thing, probably never will. Reading this here, though, shows me that all the claims of crappiness and mary-sue-ness weren't exaggerated at all. XD
Chapter, not reviewvickydragonMay 14 2009, 23:00:23 UTC
Wow! I read through the comments, neatly skipping over all but the last sentence of text before them, because, really, once was (way way more than) enough. There were so many painful things I had missed noticing while reading the book (too distracted by the more obvious agonies). I kinda miss that obliviousness. I don't actually feel better knowing that Twilight was actually worse than I remember it. Still, it was fun to read, and see some of the comments were exactly what I was thinking when I read the book.
Haha. :D totally Ehen here.
July 4 2008, 07:49:45 UTC
Frick, I read this book to find out why everyone OBSESSED over it. Most the people I know seemed to love it and hypervenilated each time I MENTIONED it.
Not to mention we practically have a gang war going on about who Bella should be with more. >>
You made me giggle and laugh with your comments, really. (Though if you want to -really- see something funny read the second one. Its just so emo its funny. xD) It gets pretty funny, though its not supposed to be. >> Sparkling vampires, man. Sparkling.
Comments 99
They weren't exaggerated at ALL. This is some of the crappiest writing I've ever seen get published. XD
Are you going to be doing this for the whole book? because if so I can actually subject myself to reading the thing thanks to your commentary LOL
I'd certainly like to! The writing is so perfectly ridiculous I'm not sure I can help myself. XD
Not to mention we practically have a gang war going on about who Bella should be with more. >>
You made me giggle and laugh with your comments, really. (Though if you want to -really- see something funny read the second one. Its just so emo its funny. xD) It gets pretty funny, though its not supposed to be. >> Sparkling vampires, man. Sparkling.
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And yes. They do. And they love it, and will defend it to the death. It's VERY popular.
I want to! I actually really enjoyed writing the MST, since this book is oh-so-easy to make commentary on.
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Speaking of which, the next chapter's up right now. XD I'm afraid it's probably not as entertaining as the first, mainly because it's ... really dull.
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