Title: In my heart's yard
Summary: He is so very tempted.
Author's Notes: Underworld Unleashed, of the Bruce/Jason variety.
He could say yes. The word is a weight in his mouth.
He cannot actually hear Jason's heart beating, but he imagines he can. He... Jason has no bruises that Bruce can see. His thighs are unmarked, his arms unbroken, and his stance is both graceful and sure.
His face is shadowed, and the mask's lenses gleam white from the darkness, and Bruce has never ached so much in his life. Has never craved with quite so sharp a hunger.
He tears his face away to look up into glowing green eyes. And looks back at Jason, and says, "No."
Jason turns. Bruce tastes desperation in the back of his throat and nearly stumbles as he attempts to follow.
And now he is alone.
-- Finis