I've lost track of Zack's sparkle font, and I believe the blink tag to be cruel and unusual punishment to anyone in possession of eyes, so:
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Comments 19
Congratulations, dear one. I hope you have a happy life together. But if he mistreats you he'll answer to me.
Thank you, my lady. I hope that the two of us can learn to maintain the peace we've embraced here; like you and Isaak, this world has led us to a remarkable place where we haven't tried to kill each other even once ( ... )
I will, because he is important to you. But I think you are worrying unnecessarily about Mephistopheles....after all, you have me and if I was not willing to give in to Jenova, I'm even less willing to give in to something like him. I think, on further reflection, that that might be part of why he hates me so fiercely. I don't think he's used to resistance...Besides, 'sufficent to each day is the evil therof.' Don't worry so much about what could be, dear one. And yes, I'm aware of the hypocriticalness of that statement.
Yes, resistance isn't something either of them are accustomed to dealing with, I think. He and Mother would get along disturbingly well on that point, assuming that they didn't hate each other on sight and...
...you know, if he'd shown up six months sooner? We could have sicced them on each other, and let them brawl it out and decide the universe wasn't big enough for the two of them.
Ah, missed opportunities. >:P Oh well. On the bright side, it is quite a relief to consider that we never had to deal with both of them at once!
But they're quite a bit further along in the planning process, and Riku has chosen a very attractive dress, and I'd hate to disrupt an arrangement that they were happy with... hmm.
Still if you don't wanna wear a dress then don't and talk to Cloud about what he wants and if neither one of you want to wear a dress then wear suits or something.
Important thing is you fell in love with Cloud the man right?
There does seem to be a consensus toward the wearing of suits in our case, as well. I suppose I don't need to understand the reasoning behind cultural customs so long as there is a consensus about what the result should be. Also, I am fairly sure there is no reasoning whatsoever involved in the custom of Groundhog Day. If it were Hedgehog Day or Porcupine Day, one would expect there to be some vague semblance of logic involved in the notion of the creature's built-in armory frightening off the winter stormclouds or such. But groundhogs? Not intimidating in the slightest... er, anyway.
Yes, I certainly did. ♥
Then don't wear a dress. Unless that's your kink. Demyx doing something isn't a good sign to follow.
Is that because of his water affinity? I admit that like yourself, I'm more aligned with fire, but I do find him an agreeable young man so long as he isn't soaking me with something...
No it's because all he has in his head is bubbles.
I knew that Nobody anatomy had to be a bit peculiar, given the existence of a cardiopulmonary system without the cardio component, but... bubbles?
How very strange...
[back of his head Seph is going 'oh shiii--' XD]
[She's being nice and giving *gasp* proper advice! DD:]
In the interest of furthering my understanding, would it be possible to explain what makes the distinction between those for whom dresses are suitable and those for whom dresses are not suitable? I mean, it seems to me that Riku must be comfortable with his garment, since he selected it himself. I'm not certain I follow what makes the difference in regards to suitability, though.
[InnerSeph: '...wait, she's not suggesting that I need to wear a pink rabbit suit and hop everywhere for three days around the wedding? Thank the gods for their infinite mercies!' :D]
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