Here are a few quick lists of some good and bad things I've found over the last few days.
Getting locked out :(
Explosively frozen soda
Old Chinese food
Rap sampling and warping amazing songs into.. I don't know, something I don't care about
Unbrushed teeth
Good:Mysteriously comfortable couches :D
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Comments 3
I'm glad there are at least some good things, and hurrah for potentially awesome next semester! ^_^ Are these lessons free? I would like to take piano, voice, and karate (maybe not karate, but some martial art) lessons... ALL AT ONCE. :D That would be weird.
You shall not fail. I know it. If you are doing stuff you like to do, you will be fine. <3
When you get home and/or next time we talk, I demand a story for the following points:
Crazy Yoda men
Roof adventures
Dance parties and their optional people
Getting locked out (I'm betting there's more to it than just forgetting your key/ID)
Being kept awake with the clanking of evil steam monsters in the heaters.
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