
Dec 17, 2009 01:43

I've had oh so many adventures in the past monthish, so now, story time! As with many good stories, there will be chapters (mostly just to keep each entry from being too image-heavy). Also, identities have been protected.

First, for whomever might've missed it, my Hallaschween costume!

Lil bit Silent Hill, no?

Also, I gots me some kittens!

They are Yeti and Miss Vida Boheme, and they are some of the nicest kittens I've ever met. Also they're very soft.

Up next, I went to DC to visit people! THIS IS THAT STORY.

At the train station! Being seen off by Brenda Song and Bruce Campbell as my mommy took pictures. There was much fog.

Union Station! This place is crazy fancy. I spent much time there and it shows up in later pictures. See those sweet statue guys? They're like knights or something.

Mr Samuel L Jackson met me at the station. I'm still not sure whether he was happy to see me or what.

I was reunited with Miss Daaahcy Jones, who kindly dragged herself out of bed to fetch me.

She lived in a fancy building...

...with a sweet library...

...and a swanked out sitting room. You can't see it, but there's a piano.

She had important things to do after I got there, so I got to toddle around the city all by me onesy. I went to some museums but didn't sight-see as much as I might have because I was struck with an inexplicable exhaustion that had nothing to do with not sleeping on the train. While I was hobbling blearily around the various Smithsonians, I found this lil guy:

He's a ROADbot, geddit? :D I almost got killed like, three times trying to get this picture. Crosswalks, meh.

My sleepiness was by then profound, so I called for aid. My plea was answered by Miss Rebekah, who ever so kindly said I could borrow her campus for a while. So, armed with very straightforward directions, I boarded the subway!

I look so at home you'd expect me to have my own pile of newspapers, right? I could live all over that subway.
Since my experience with subways is limited and I've never ridden one alone, this was a fun time. I successfully changed trains and everything.

When I got to the campus, my hostess was still furthering her education, so I was left to wander about for a few hours. It began raining. I used this time to call all kinds of people and wander soggily amok across the grounds.
In my wanderings, I found this guy:

He had a brother that wasn't nearly as freaky.

She eventually found me, gave me a proper tour, and treated me to a meal that was both delicious and substantial. Her college is pretty cool, and the cafeteria was awesome and giant. She had another class to go to, so I went here to nap:

It's a library! I commandeered a couch surrounded by well dressed young folk on laptops, and oh, how I slept.

When I made my way back to DC Proper, I had to wait a bit for Miss Daahcy to come back from her mysterious ramblings.

So I bonded with this majestic staircase.

The following day I resumed my travels! I saw the Library of Congress, which looked nothing like I expected. I saw some monuments and some fearless squirrels, then I found this place:

It is a restaurant called The Monocle. One day I want to go there, but that day it was bemired in flood waters because its pipes regularly burst. The guy (not pictured) who guarded the sidewalk told me this.

Then, because my shoes were trying to kill me, I made an ill-fated attempt to locate a thrift store.

I got lost.

So very, very lost, for about 4 hours. Mom tried to help me, but it was an ordeal.
Eventually I gave up my quest and tried to find my way back, which also took a very long time, so I hung out here for a while:

I listened to music and watched people wander around, then went back to my old friend, Union Station.

Since that place is insane and has a three story mall affixed to it, I went into Claire's and bought shoes.

This made life much more pleasant.

By this time it was getting late, so I limited my adventures to sneaking back into Darcy's building to use the computers and loitering around Union Station some more. We eventually reconvened, but not before I was hit on by an underage drunk girl.

Thus ended my first two days of travel.

Tune in next time for the fascinating conclusion!

dc, awesome, adventures

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